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11. Th. Flournoy, From India to the Planet Mars (New York, Harper 81 Bros.).
12. F. W. H. Myers, Human Personality . . .
13. Finsk Tidsskrift (1923), p. 281.
14. Cited by H. D. Spoerl, in New Christianity, Winter, 1937, p. 14.
15. Karl Jaspers, Strindberg und van Gogh (Berlin, Springer, 1926).
16. See “Psychoanalysis in Modern Literature," Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, p. 657.
17. Sp.D., 1166.


1. See Gardner Murphy, “Parapsychology," Enc. of Psych., p. 422, for criticism of methods.
2. See for example, Hodgson and Davey, "The Possibilities of Malobservation and Lapse of Memory . . . ," Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 11; and Th. Bestermann, “The Psychology of Testimony," Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 124.
3. Book List 75, compiled by the (English) National Book Council, contains a selected list of books on psychical research, with prices. Price one penny from the Society for Psychical Research, 31, Tavistock Sq., London, W.C. 1, England. For technical reports of experiments, see Enc. of Psych., p. 434. An excellent general bibliography is included in G. N. M. Tyrrell's The Personality of Man (Pelican Book, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, Penguin Books, 1946). This book, together with Mr. Tyrrell's Science and Psychical Phenomena (London, Methuen, 1938), Whately Carington's Thought Transference (New York, Creative Age Press, 1946. London, Methuen, 1945, under title Telepathy), and I. B. Rhine's The Reach of the Mind (New York, William Sloane, Associates, 1947) will provide a good introduction to the subject.
4. See Murphy, "Parapsychology," Enc. Psych.
5. Tyrrell, op. cit.
6. Ibid.
7. Proceeding: S.P.R., Vol. XLVII, pp. 21-150.
8. Ibid., p. 107.
9. Murphy, "Parapsychology." Enc. Psych.
10. "Experiments on the Paranormal Cognition of Drawings, IV," Proceedings, S.P.R., Pt. 168 (July, 1944).
11. Overton Luhr, Physics Tells Why (Lancaster, Pa., The Jacques Cattell Press, 1943), p. 269. See, however, "Telepathy and Electromagnetic Waves," by A. I. B. Robertson, Journal S.P.R., No. 631-632, p. 7, for a technical discussion seeking to prove that telepathy has a relation to electromagnetic radiation. According to Mr. Robertson, no "code" would be necessary, if the process were conceived as resembling television broadcasting.
12. The Soul, 31.
13. Idem, 110.
14. Sidis and Goodheart, Multiple Personality; W. McDougall, Outline of Abnormal Psychology. For the most noted case, see the report on the Misses Beauchamp, by Morton Prince, Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 11, Vol. XV (February, 1901).
15. John Layard, "Psi Phenomena and Poltergeists," Proceedings S.P.R., Pt. 168 (July, 1944). Payne and Bendit, The Psychic Sense (London, Faber and Faber, 1943).
15a. J. B. Rhine, “Pierre Janet's Contribution to Parapsychology," The Journal of Parapsychology, September, 1947, p. 155.
16. G. N. M. Tyrrell, Apparitions (London, Society for Psychical Research, 1942). Publications of the Society for Psychical Research (English) can be ordered from F. W. Faxon, 83 Francis St., Boston, Mass.
17. Sp.D., 4250.
18. Sp.D., 2898.