Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/394

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3. W.E., 378.
4. A.C., 3412.
5. Sp.D., 1647.
6. W.E., p. xvii, n.
7. Jones, Spiritual Reformers.
7a. The auctioneer's list of Swedenborg's books to be sold after his death has been published in facsimile as Catalogus Bibliothecae, Emanuelis Swedenborgii, ed. Alfred H. Stroh, Stockholm, 1907. It contains few "occult" books, but all his books may not have been sold, and he spent much time in foreign libraries.
8. D.L.W., 257.
9. Sp.D., 480.
10. See Jacob Boehme, "Of Heaven and Hell," in The Signature of All Things, Everyman's Library, no. 569.
11. See P. D. Ouspensky, A New Model of the Universe (Knopf, 1934), p. 142.
12. Tyrrell, The Personality of Man.
13. Acton, Intro. to W.E., p. 134.
14. Unless otherwise stated, the quotations that follow in this chapter are from Heaven and Hell.
15. Jacobi, The Psychology of Jung, p. 19.
16. Sp.D.,a 4731.
17. Sp.D., 1313-1314.
18. Sp.D., 5546.
19. Sp.D., 4677.
20. Journal A.S.P.R., October, 1945, p. 181.
21. Sp.D., 306.
22. Sp.D., 400.
23. Sp.D., 187.
24. Sp.D., 293.
25. Sp.D., 1484.
26. Sp.D., 3641.
27. H.H., 203.
28. Sp.D., 2406.
29. Sp.D., 1928.
30. Sp.D., 4337.
31. Sp.D., 3624.
32. Sp.D., 2176.
33. Sp.D., 159, 160.
34. Tafel, doc. 270.
35. W.E., 4949.
36. Sp.D., 2772.
37. Sp.D., 192.
38. Sp.D., 2659.
39. Sp.D., 3858.
40. Sp.D., 1755.
41. Sp.D., 2392, 479.
42. Sp.D., 1907.
43. Sp.D., 2203.
44. Sp.D., 557.
45. A.C., 448.


1. A.C., 1275.
2. A.C., 1376.