Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/406

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Swebelius, Archbishop, 28

Swedberg. Bishop Jesper, 14-29, 59, 6o, 65, 71; third marriage, idea of heaven, death, 74-75; 80, 91; theater, 91: hypocrisy, 275: crown and throne, 310

Sweden. size of in 18th century, 37; witchcraft in, 189

Swedes, Swedenborg on character of, 304

Swedenborg, Emanuel, childhood, 22-24; college debates, 34; thesis on Publilius, 38-40; in London, 43 ff; longitude at sea, method for finding, 47; Oxford, 48; youthful poems, 51; and sex, 51-54. 123, 136-138, 312-315; Paris, 55 ff; inventions, 57; returns to Sweden, 58; extraordinary assessor, 62; ennobled, 64; full assessor, 66; scientific publications, 1722, 65; geological publications, 1719, 67; memorials to Diet, 67; Board of Mines employee, 67-68; ideas first expressed by (Arrhenius), 72; authors influenced by, 72; physics, 72 ff.; abroad 1736-1739. 75, 88, 89-93; Emcrentia Polhem, 77; Stina Maja Steuchius, 78; marriage, why not, 80; dream of father, 80; mind-body relationship, theories of, 84-88, 94, 95, 107, 110, 111, 145, 146-147, 160-161. 226, 236-237, 344-346; notes to Wolff, 88; on monarchy and republic, 94, 274; modern physiologists on, 97-100; “what is the body?" 101 ff.; embryo, 101-105; series and degrees, doctrine of, 109; system in Economy, 115 ff.; soul in Economy, 114; Amsterdam, 1739-1740, 124; The Fibre, 125, 128; light seen by, 127, 128; breathing, inhibited, 130, 218-219; Animal Kingdom, 133, 134. 139; insanity defined by, 133; Amsterdam, 1743, 136; melancholy, 134; not Victorian, 135; diary 1743-1744, 135 ff.; dreams, Wolff's ideas, 87, symbolic sex, 137-138, of Jesus, 139, 144, of work, 145, trance-like, 148; question of insanity, 157-167; psychoanalysts, 162-167; precognitive dreams, 169; split mental state, 180; extra-sensory perception, 184-192, 348-349; Stockholm fire, 62, 186, 320; Bolander mills, 187; death of Czar Peter III, 187; Queen of Sweden's secret, 190-193, 325, 330; Marteville receipt, 193, 194, 325, 330; mistress, had he a, 78, 328; home in Stockholm, 202. 271; indexes to Bible, 202; Bible exegesis, 203-217, 231-233; automatic writing, 205-217, 315, 352; objects to dictation, 210; describes kinds of dissociation ("spiritual sight"), 220 ff.; regulates heart-beat, 219; “psychic" organism, 223 ff.; travels, 1747-1749, 230; conscious medium, 188, 205-207, 248-249, 325, 327; obsession, 247; “physical" phenomena, 248; memory, 254-262; origin of language, theory of, 265; settles in Stockholm, 1751, 271; garden, 271 ff.; member Diet, 273 ff.; on absolute monarchy, 274; ethics, 276; "correspondence" 283-290, 298; “Grand Man," 289-294; New Church and Church of the New Jerusalem, 302, 334, 340, 341, 350, 352; on Christian dogmas, 302, 352-357; travels, 1762-1766, 303; memorable relations, 307; seen in both worlds, 319; daily life and habits, 325-330, 336 ff., 350; on psychic gifts, 326; estimates adherents, 328; on clergymen, 331; travels, 1769, 1770. 332, 346. 350; heresy, 331-332; certainty of “mission," 306, 307, 334, 342, 347; English friends, 346-348; his religion, 352 ff.; death, 360 ff.

Swedes' Old Church, Philadelphia, 330

Symbolism, Bible exegesis through, 150, 154; physiological, Swedenborg's, 290-294; of sex, 315; in dreams, 137-138; of planets, 294

TAFEL, IM., 186

Tafel, Leonard, 368

Tafel, R. L., 364

Telepathy, among spirits, 221 ff., 251

Tessin, Count, 9, 190 ff.

Theologia Germanica, 151

Theology of Aristotle, so-called, 294

Thomas, C. Drayton, 375

Thorndike. Lynn, 379

Thought, form of the will, 239; transferred from spirits, 245-246, 251

Tibetan Book of the Dead, See W. Y. Evans-Wentz

Tilas, Baron, 8, 201, 277, 314

Time and space, for spirits, 250-255

Trance, Swedenborg's methods for producing, 218 ff.

Törner, Fabianus, 36

Travels, Swedenborg's, 43, 55, 58, 75, 88, 89-93, 124, 136, 144, 230, 303, 332, 346, 350

Troilius, Archbishop, 326

True Christian Religion, The, 352-357

Tulk, C. A., 78, 319

Turnbull, Grace H., 369

Tuxen, Major-General C., 78, 192, 221, 327-328

Tyrrell, G. N. M., box experiment, 170;