Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/201

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This bar is formed of four strands; knot the left hand thread five times over the centre strands; then the right hand five times over the left hand, and repeat.

A very simple pattern to begin with is worked as follows:

Fasten on 24 double threads, making 48 working ones. Knot on to a leader (the length you wish to make the fringe). Cut your threads a little more than a yard long. Work one row of Solomon's knots. Put on another leader. Take four strands. Take the right hand thread in your left hand in a slanting direction, and knot the other three threads on. Take four more strands, use the left hand thread for a leader, slanting it to the right, knot the remaining three threads on it.

You have now eight working threads in use. Take the two centre threads, and work a Solomon's knot with the two threads lying respectively on the right and left of the centre threads. Take the extreme left hand thread, which was the first leader, and holding it in your right hand, knot three threads on to it with the left hand. Take the second leader, hold it in the left hand; slanting it to meet the one just worked, and knot seven threads on; this will finish one diamond and begin another.

Now divide the eight threads with which you are working; take the four at the right side, hold the first left hand one in the right hand and knot the other three to it; make a Solomon's knot as in the first diamond, and work the lower half of the diamond as directed above, only remembering to knot only three threads on to the lower right hand leader instead of seven. Pat on another leader, and knot the eight threads on. Repeat till you have a row six diamonds wide.

Having knotted all the threads on to the leader,