Page:Emile Vandervelde - Three Aspects of the Russian Revolution - tr. Jean Elmslie Henderson Findlay (1918).djvu/100

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Three Aspects of the Russian Revolution

"2,700 associations of butter-makers (co-operative dairies) are also grouped in federations (that of Siberia alone numbering close to three hundred associations).

"4,510 other rural co-operative associations,

"8,938 co-operative loan societies,

"3,287 savings associations,

"148 provincial societies for petty loans, whose mission seems principally to be to organize credit for the different classes of co-operative societies. They have a semi-official character, their management being chosen by provincial assemblies, and they are placed under the financial control of the Government.

"Finally, the People's Bank of Moscow, of which nearly all the shares are held either by big co-operative associations or by federations of associations which assure co-operative establishments of the most diverse kind either the necessary credit or the organization of their purchases, either the sale of their produce or the produce of their members' labour, notably home manufacture."
