Page:Emile Vandervelde - Three Aspects of the Russian Revolution - tr. Jean Elmslie Henderson Findlay (1918).djvu/259

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The Sacred Union.

We have been reproached with having allied ourselves in this struggle with all classes of the people, with having achieved the sacred union. We do not dream of excusing ourselves. German aggression has created among all Belgian common interests since they are crushed beneath common yoke.

We are asked to think only of inter-class conflicts. Shall we do so amidst our ruined factories in a country where there is now scarcely any regular work? Shall our deported workmen lead such a cause?

To be able to take up again, otherwise than in mere words, the political struggle of our working classes, who does not see that we must have first a real national political life, that we must have regained our independence, nay, more, that we must have put it beyond the possibility of further attack.

We have been reproached with having behaved as the German majority did, because we also helped our Government in the continuance of this War. No dis-