Page:Eminent Authors of Contemporary Japan, volume 2.pdf/41

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Okuni and Gohei
  • If your love is what you say it is for me, then let us go at once … but let us take the head of Tomonojo with us.
  • Gohei.—How anxious they will all be at home. After these three long years, I wish to see the pleased face of your old father, and the smile of your little son when they see you.
  • Okuni.—Ah, yes, what great joy is now before me … but, look … it has been growing dark, and we have not noticed it. Now, let us sever the head from Ikeda’s body.
  • Gohei.(Goes up to the corpse accompanied by Okuni both with drawn daggers.) (Speaking to the corpse) Ikeda, our deed has been a cruel one, a disgraceful one; but we had no alternative. What we have done was done for the honour of our family, and for the sake of our clan, our love. Your body must resign itself to its sad fate!
  • Okuni.(bending over the body) What we do may be selfish, and what we have done may be cruel … Oh, Tomonojo, forgive us both!
  • Gohei.Namu Amida-Butsu!
  • Okuni.Namu, Amida-Butsu!
    (Okuni and Gohei repeat the words of the prayer faintly again, kneeling down near the body with folded hands).

The End