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tung (1766), and Lo-i (樂儀) Shu-yüan in I-chêng, Kiangsu (1767–70). While in Foochow he undertook the compilation of the 續福建通志 Hsü Fu-chien t'ung-chih, 96 chüan, which was commissioned in 1763, but was not completed until 1768. In 1770, on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Emperor Kao-tsung, he made his last visit to the capital to take part in the ceremonies. He died two years later in Peking at the home of his son, Shên Shih-wei (see below).

Shên Ting-fang received his training in the ku-wên 古文, or archaic classical style, from Fang Pao [q. v.], and acquired his technique in poetry from the brothers, Cha Shên-hsing [q. v.] and Cha Ssŭ-li (see under Cha Shên-hsing), who were distant relatives of his grandfather, Cha Shêng. He was also a student of Shên Tê-ch'ien [q. v.] whom he styled "uncle" and from whom he received much encouragement. His collected works, entitled 隱拙齋集 Yin-cho chai chi, were first printed in 22 chüan, in 1757, and were several times expanded. The most complete edition, published under the same title by his son, Shên Shih-wei, contains 30 chüan of verse which he wrote during the years 1722–66, and 20 chüan of miscellaneous prose with a supplement (hsü-chi) of verse, in 5 chüan, composed by him after 1766. The postscript is dated 1779. His contributions to classical studies appear in a work, entitled 十三經註疏正字 Shih-san-ching chu-shu chêng-tzŭ, 81 chüan, in which he corrected errors he discovered in various editions of the Thirteen Classics and their commentaries. He arranged a collection of episodes from history, entitled 鑑古錄 Chien-ku lu, 16 chüan, which was presented to the throne early in 1741. While teaching in Foochow (1763–65) he prepared a supplement to Chu I-tsun's [q. v.] Ching-i k'ao, which bears the title Hsü Ching-i k'ao.

Shên T'ing-fang compiled a list of the members of the Hanlin Academy, entitled 國朝館選錄 Kuo-ch'ao kuan-hsüan lu, printed in 1746. The printing blocks for this work were deposited in the Academy and the names of later members were added from time to time until 1904—the last year in which Hanlin scholars were chosen from those who obtained the chin-shih degree. However, in the period 1905 to 1911, a number of students who had studied modern subjects in colleges at home or abroad were admitted into the Academy. [Perhaps the most complete existing list of Hanlin scholars is the 詞林輯略 Tz'ŭ-lin chi-lüeh, 10 chüan, compiled by Chu Ju-chên 朱汝珍 (T. 玉堂, H. 聘三, 隘園, chin-shih of 1904) and printed about 1929.]

Shên T'ing-fang was gifted in painting and calligraphy. He had as a hobby the study and collection of ink-slabs, and for that reason called his residence Yen-lin 硯林, or "Forest of Inkslabs". His father, Shên Yüan-ts'ang 沈元滄 (T. 麟洲, H. 東隅, 1666–1733), was magistrate of Wên-ch'ang, Kwangtung (1722–25). The father's collective works, entitled 滋蘭堂集 Tzŭ-lan t'ang chi, consist of verse in 10 chüan and prose in 4 chüan.

Shên T'ing-fang had two elder brothers. The second, Shên Hsin 沈心 (T. 房仲, d. 1760), was so highly esteemed by Cha Shên-hsing for his poetic talents that he gave him his granddaughter in marriage. The poems of Shên Hsin were published under the title 孤石山房詩集 Ku-shih shan-fang shih-chi, 6 chüan. An anthology of his verse, compiled by Yao Nai [q. v.], is entitled 房仲詩選 Fang-chung shih-hsüan, 2 chüan. Shên Hsin also wrote the 怪石錄 Kuai-shih lu (1 chüan, preface dated 1749), a study of stones of curious formation found at Ch'ing-chou, Shantung, and used for rockeries. Shên T'ing-fang had two sons. The elder, Shên Shih-wei 沈世煒, chin-shih of 1766, was a secretary in the reception department of the Board of Ceremonies and was once in charge of the provincial examination of Yunnan (1770).

[1/490/1b; 3/177/31a; 4/84/14b; 23/27/7b; 26/1/57b; Ssŭ-k'u, 33/10a; Yeb Ch'ang-ch'ih (see under P'an Tsu-yin), Ts'ang-shu chi-shih shih, 5/13b.]

Li Man-kuei

SHÊN-tsung. Temple name of Chu I-chün (see under Chu Ch'ang-lo).

SHÊN T'ung 沈彤 (T. 冠[貫]雲, H. 果堂), 1688–1752, Nov. 30, classicist, was a native of Wu-chiang, Kiangsu. When young, he studied under Ho Ch'o [q. v.], but when in 1736 he was recommended to be admitted to the special po-hsüeh hung-tz'ŭ examination in Peking (see under Liu Lun), he was so deliberate in composing his poem that he had not finished it by midnight and therefore failed to qualify. He remained a licentiate all his life. Shên also studied under Chang Po-hsing [q. v.] and Yang Ming-shih 楊名時 (T. 賓實, 凝齋, 1661–1736). After his failure at the special examination he was invited to aid in the compilation of the San Li i-shu (see under Fang Pao) and the Ta-Ch'ing i-t'ung chih (see under Hsü Ch'ien-hsüeh). This task completed, he was granted an appointment of low order (ninth grade); but because he was ashamed of his