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NO. 21 OF 2016


Short title and commencement

1. This Act is the Employment Claims Act 2016 and comes into operation on a date that the Minister appoints by notification in the Gazette.


2.—(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“approved mediator” means any individual approved by the Commissioner as a mediator for one or more of the following:

(a) a mediation under Part 2 of a specified employment dispute;
(b) a tripartite mediation;
(c) a mediation mentioned in section 115(2A) of the Employment Act (Cap. 91);
(d) a consultation or conciliation under section 8A of the Retirement and Re‑employment Act (Cap. 274A);
(e) a mediation or conciliation of any dispute under such other written law as the Commissioner may determine, being a written law relating to employment, employment terms or the relations between employers and employees;

“authorised person” means an individual appointed under section 3(3) of the Employment Act as an authorised person for the purpose of carrying out any function or duty of the Commissioner under this Act;

“claim” means a claim lodged with a tribunal, and includes a counterclaim lodged with a tribunal;

“claim referral certificate” means a claim referral certificate issued under—

(a) section 6(2) or 7(7)(a); or