Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 1.djvu/973

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Encyclopædia Britannica.—Vol. I.


  • ABBEY and ABBOT.Rev. Edmund Venables, Precentor and Canon of Lincoln.
  • ABELARD.Prof. G. Croom Robertson, University College, London.
  • ABERDEEN.Alex Cruickshank, M.A.
  • ABRAHAM.Rev. Samuel Davidson, D.D., Author of "Introduction to the Old and New Testament," &c.
  • ABYSSINIA.David Kay, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
  • ACADEMY.Francis Storr, M.A., Author of "Tables of Irregular Greek Verbs."
  • ACCENT.John M. Ross, LL.D., Editor of the "Globe Encyclopædia."
  • ACCLIMATISATION.Alfred R. Wallace, Author of "Theory of Natural Selection."
  • ACHILLES.A. Stuart Murray, British Museum, London.
  • ACHIN.Col. Henry Yule, C.B., F.R.G.S., Author of "The Book of Marco Pollo."
  • ACOUSTICS.David Thomson, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Aberdeen.
  • ACTS OF THE APOSTLES.James Donaldson, LL.D., Author of "Early Christian Literature and Doctrine."
  • ACTINOZOA.T. H. Huxley, LL.D., Fellow of the Royal Society, Professor in the Royal School of Mines, London.
  • ADAM.Rev. Samuel Davidson, D.D.
  • ADDISON.William Spalding, formerly Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, University of Edinburgh.
  • ADMIRAL and ADMIRALTY.F. W. Rowsell, C.B., Superintendent of Naval Contracts, H.M. Admiralty.
  • ADULTERATION.Dr Henry Letheby, Ph.D., formerly Medical Officer of Health to the City of London.
  • AERONAUTICS.James Glaisher, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Meteorological Section, Greenwich Observatory.
  • ÆSCHYLUS.J. Stuart Blackie, Professor of Greek, University of Edinburgh.
  • ÆSIR.E. C. Otte, Translator of Humboldt's "Cosmos."
  • ÆSTHETICS.James Sully, M.A., Author of "Sensation and Intuition."
  • AFGHANISTAN.Col. Yule, C.B.
  • AFRICA.Keith Johnston, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
  • AGASSIZ.W. C. Williamson, F.R.S., Professor of Natural History, Owens College, Manchester.
  • AGRARIAN LAWS.George Ferguson, LL.D., formerly Professor of Humanity in St Andrews University.
  • AGRICULTURE.John Wilson, Member of Council, Highland and Agricultural Society, Scotland.
  • AGRICULTURE.Large and Small Farming. W. T. Thornton, Author of "A Plea for Peasant Proprietors."
  • ALCHEMY.Jules Andrieu.
  • ALEXANDER THE GREAT.Rev. Sir George W. Cox, Baronet, Author of "A History of Greece," etc.
  • ALEXANDER VI.Richard Garnett, British Museum, Author of "Idylls and Epigrams from Greek Anthology."
  • ALFORD, DEAN.Charles Kent, Author of "Charles Dickens as a Reader."
  • ALGAE.Dr J. Hutton Balfour, F.R.S., Regius Keeper of the Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
  • ALGEBRA.Philip Kelland, F.R.S., late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.
  • ALGERIA.David Kay, F.R.G.S.
  • ALPHABET.John Peile, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge.
  • ALPS.John Ball, Fellow of the Royal Society, late President of the Alpine Club.
  • ALTAR.Rev. G. H. Forbes.
  • ALUM.Prof. James Dewar, M.A., Jacksonian Professor of Chemistry, University of Cambridge.
  • AMAZON.A. Stuart Murray, British Museum.
  • AMBASSADOR.Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L., Registrar of H.M. Privy Council.
  • AMBULANCE.Thomas Longmore, C.B., Professor of Army Surgery, Netley.
  • AMERICA (North and South).Charles Maclaren, late Fel. of the Geolog. Soc., and of the Royal Society, Edin.
  • AMERICAN LITERATURE.John Nichol, LL.D., Professor of English Language, University of Glasgow.
  • AMMON.Samuel Birch, LL.D., D.C.L., Keeper of Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum.
  • AMMUNITION.Capt. C. Ord Browne, R.A., Royal Laboratory, Woolwich.
  • AMOS.Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., Fellow of Baliol College, Oxford.
  • AMPHIBIA.Prof. T. H. Huxley.
  • AMPHITHEATRE.Rev. G. H. Forbes.
  • ANALOGY and ANALYSIS.Prof. Croom Robertson.
  • ANÆSTHESIA.Dr James O. Affleck, Examiner, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.
  • ANATOMY.Wm. Turner, M.B., Fellow of the Royal Society, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh.

A General Index to the Encyclopædia is now in preparation, and will embrace the various subjects embodied throughout the Work.