Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 13.djvu/254

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238 IRELAND [VITAL STATISTICS. returns of emigration and immigration from and into the United Kingdom give full information regarding the destination of emi grants of Irish birth from 1853. Table XLVIIL, compiled from the statistics of the census commissioners, and from the emigration returns, will show the character of the emigration movement, both as to the number of persons of Irish birth emigrating from the United Kingdom at different periods and as to their destination. The influence of the great famine is very evident in the numbers emigrating between 1846 and 1852, the average being three times that of the preceding period, and more than double that of the, period from 1853 to 1860. Although also the impulse towards emigration had begun even before 1846, and must be regarded as part of a general tendency towards emigration then prevalent in Europe, and especially in the United Kingdom, it was doubtless strengthened in Ireland by special circumstances which are still operating so as to cause an annual diminution of the population. The number who emigrated in 1841 was only 16,376, and in 184Z it rose to 215,444, more than double that of 1846. The highest number in any year was 249,721 in 1852, and the smallest since 1852 was 22,831 in 1877, the numbers increasing in 1879 to 41,296, and in 1880 to 93,641. This table, however, gives the number of emigrants not from Ireland but from the United King dom, and of course includes many of Irish birth who had been for some time living in Great Britain. The Irish emigration returns, which commence from the 1st May 1851, give the numbers of natives of Ireland who emigrated direct from the country whether by Irish or British ports but include those also who emigrated to settle in Britain, and until 1876 gave no information as to the several destinations of the emigrants. Table XLIX. shows the amount of general emigration from Ireland and from its various provinces from 1st May 1851 to 31st December 1879. The number of emigrants in 1852 was 190,322, the annual average for the three years 1852-1854 being over 170,000, from 1855 to 1862 the average was about 80,000, but it rose to 110,000 for 1863-65. From 1865 to 1874 it was about 70,000, in 1876 it was only 37,587, in 1879 it was 47,065, and in 1880 it increased to 95,517. There are no direct means of obtaining information as to the numbers who emigrated to settle in Britain before 1876, but a comparison between the numbers who emigrated from Ireland both to Britain and to foreign countries with those who emigrated from the United Kingdom to foreign countries shows that the number who settled in Great Britain between 1852 and 1880 was about 300,000. The percentage of those who have settled in Britain between 1876 and 1880 was 38. Apparently, however, for several years, the deaths of Irish-born persons and their emigration from Great Britain have more than counterbalanced the influx into it of Irish intending to settle, for, while the number of Irish resident in Great Britain, which in 1841 was 419,256, had increased by 1851 to 733,866, and by 1861 to 811,251, it had diminished by 1871 to 778,638. On the other hand, there has been a gradual increase in the number of British-born immigrants to Ireland, as is seen from Table L. More than two-thirds of those leaving Ireland for foreign coun tries emigrate direct to the United States, but to these must be added the large numbers who sail to Canadian ports, and journey thence by rail. From May 5th 1847 to June 1880, according to records of the city, the arrivals of natives of Ireland direct to New York were 2,042,046, the arrivals from all countries being 5,857.025. The total number of Irish-born persons registered, whether in Ireland or foreign countries, about 1871 was 8,506,511, that is, a larger number than the population of Ireland in 1841, and exceed ing the population of 1871 by more than 3,000,000. The pro portion of emigrants from Ireland who were labourers was 52 6 per cent, in 1877, 60"4 per cent, in 1878, 66 1 per cent, in 1879, and 72 1 per cent, in 1880. Until 1864, when the Act for the registra tion of births and deaths came into operation, no reliable informa tion was obtainable as to the excess of the one over the other, and of course the large amount of emigration to some extent renders comparison with other countries impossible, as to the inferences to be drawn from the proportion of births and deaths to the popula tion. Table LI. gives the yearly average of marriages, births, deaths, and emigrants for the ten years 187079, the numbers for 1880, and the rate per 1000 of estimated population. The usual theory that the poverty of the Irish is due to early marriages, or to the fact that a larger number marry than in Scotland or England, can be proved by statistics to be wholly unfounded. The average annual number for the ten years ending in 1879 of male minors married was only 2 65 per cent, of the total males married, and in the case of females the percentage was only 12 26, a much smaller proportion than in Great Britain ; and in 1871 the proportion per cent, of the unmarried population above fifteen years Avas in Ireland males 47 "85, females 42 38, the proportion in England and Wales being 38 40 and 36 14 respectively, and in Scotland 44 41 and 42 23. In proportion to the number of married women between seventeen and fifty-five years of age, the number of births is very similar to that in Great Britain. The number of illegitimate births is very small, the yearly average for the last ten years being about 2 5 per cent. The proportion of the sexes born is about 106 males to 100 females. Table LI I. gives the average annual number of deaths from each of the principal zymotic diseases and from all causes for 1870-79, and also the number for 1880. Table LIII. gives the number of deaths from all causes for four decades, and the number from zymotic diseases, with the percentage from these diseases to the TABLE XLVII. Classification of the Population according to Occupation. Lodging, Trade Food. Clothing. Furniture, Health. Charity. Justice. Education. Religion. and Arts. laneous. ment. Banking. and Machines. Travelling. 1841 1,904,071 901,324 164,366 6,871 253 19,541 16,814 7,192 78,524 3,495 409,409 1851 1,531,914 606,532 146,469 7,148 1,898 26,862 17,407 8,398 98,213 2,674 394,208 1861 1,053,045 490,492 463,562 6,735 983 55,085 40,853 10,627 68,791 757 507,327 2,840 4,563 1871 1,051,430 413,213 487,918 6,948 2,532 66,638 28,406 12,806 56,764 818 381,454 3,347 18,93s 1 1 Including commercial clerks, who in 18G1 were reckoned under Literature and Education. TABLE XLVIIL Emigrants from tlie United Kingdom of Irish Birth, 1841-80. Destination. 1811-52. 1841-46. 1847-52. 853-60. 1861-70. 1871-80. Total, 1853-80. Total, 1841-80. Number. Average. Number. Average. Number. Average. Number. Average. Number. Average. Number. Average. 1,265,541 370,105 30,254 126 105,462 30,842 2,521 10 230,769 133,860 5,083 99 378,811 39.961 22,310 845 16 1,025,772 236,245 25,171 27 170,962 39,373 4,196 4 214,535 574.848 64,680 92,184 5,016 71,856 8,085 11,523 627 690,840 40,080 82,920 4,740 818,580 69,084 4,008 8,292 474 449.553 25,782 61,947 5,426 44,955 2,578 6,195 542 1,715,241 130,542 237,051 15,182 2,980,782 500.647 2(57,305 15,308 British North America Total 1,666,026 138,835 63,132 1,287,215 736,728 92,091 81,858 542,708 54,270 2,098,016 3,764,042 TABLE XLIX. Total Native Emigrants from Ireland from May 1, 1851, to December 31, 1880. Leinster. Minister. Ulster. Con- naught. Not specified. Ireland. Males 257,968 476 306 441 510 168 9">G 61 766 1 40fi 476 236,203 441,034 337 038 167534 48 902 1 230 711 Total 494171 917 340 778 548 336 460 110 668 2 637 187 Emigrants to every 100 of population in 1861 I 33-9 60-G 40-7 36-8 45-5 TABLE L. Persons not of Irish Birth in Ireland at Census Periods. "Where Born. 1841. 1851. 1861. 1871. 1841. 1851. 1861. 1871. EngUind and > Wales f 21,552 34,454 50,761 67,881 26 53 88 1-25 Scotland 8,585 12,312 16,861 20.318 11 19 29 38 4,471 9,961 10,379 17,010 05 15 18 32 TABLE LI. Yearly Average of Marriages, Births, Deaths, and Emigrants. 1870-79 1880 Marriages. Births. Deaths. Emi grants. 60,327 95,517 Mania go s. Births. Deaths. Emi grants. 25,847 20,390 142,404 128,010 95,430 102,955 4-83 3-83 26-6 24-0 178 19-3 11-8 17-9