Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/422

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404 MINERALOGY 369. TRIPHYLITE, (2Fe + Li 2 )P 2 . Right prismatic. ooP 133 ; chiefly granular. H. =5 ; G. = 3 6. Resinous. Greenish grey with blue spots. C.c. : iron protoxide 40, manganese protoxide 5 5, Iithia7 5, phosphoric acid 45. Boden- mais in Bavaria, Norwich in Massachusetts. Lithiophilite, from Fairfield (Connecticut), is a manganesian triphylite. 370. BERZELIITE (Kuhnite), (CaMg) 3 As 2 . Massive. H.=5 to 6; G. =2 52. C.c.: lime 23, magnesia 15, arsenic acid 60. Sol. in n. acid. L^ngban (Sweden). 371. ARSENIATE OF NICKEL, Ni 3 As 2 . Amorphous. H. -=4; G. =4 98. Sulphur-yellow. C.c. : oxide of nickel 48 - 2, arsenic acid 50 5. Johann-Georgenstadt. 372. NICKELERZ, Ni 3 As 2 + 2Ni. Crystalline massive. G. =4 84. Dark grass-green ; streak lighter. C.c. : oxide of nickel 62 1, arsenic acid 36 6. Johann-Georgenstadt. 373. DECHENITE, (PbZn)V 2 . Botryoidal and stalactitic. H. =3 to 4; G =5 82. Lustre resinous to greasy. Yellowish red, deep red ; streak orange to pale yellow. C.c. : 577 oxide of lead, 15 8 oxide of zinc, 24 2 of vanadic acid. Wanlockhead, Freiburg (in Baden), Lauter Valley. 374. PSITTACINITE, 3( Pb 3 V 2 ) + Cu 3 V 2 + 6CuHj . Mammillated and incrusting. Siskin- to olive-green. C.c,: vanadic acid 19 3, lead oxide 53 2, copper oxide 18 95, water 8 58. Silver Star (Montana). 375. PUCHERITE, Bl 2 V 2 . Right prismatic. oP 123 55 . H. = 4; G. = 6 25. Cl. basal, per fect; vitreous. Red or reddish brown; streak yellow. Easily soluble in acids. C.c. : bismuth oxide 71 7, vanadic acid 28 3. Schneeberg. 376. ATOPITE, Ca.,Sb 2 . Cubic (figs. 30 with 26 and 33). H.-5 5 to 6; G. = 5. Lustre greasy; yellow to resin-brown. Translucent. C.c.: antimonic acid 73 2, lime 17 5, iron protoxide 27, magnesia 1 5, soda 4 3. Lang- ban (Wermland). HYDROUS PHOSPHATES, &c. 377. BRUSHITE, 232 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 62 45 . Needle crystals. H. =2 to 2 5 ; G. =2 21. Vitreous. C.c. : lime 32 6, phosphoric acid 41 3, water 26 4. Aves Islands and Sombrero (Antilles). 378. NEWBERYITE, Mg 2 H 2 , P 2 -f- 6H 2 . Right prismatic. Cl. brachydiagonal. C.c. : phosphoric acid 41*25, magnesia 23, water 357. From guano, Skipton Caves, Victoria. 379. HAIDINGERITE. Ca 2 As 2 + 3H 2 . Right prismatic. ooP 100. Cl. perfect ; sectile, flexible. H. =2 to 2 5 ; G. =2 8 to 2 9. Otherwise like pharmacolite (sp. 381). C.c. : 85 68 arseniate of lime, and 14 - 32 water. Joachimsthal. 380. ROSELITE, R 3 As 2 + 2H 2 . Anorthic. Cl. macrodiagonal. Rose-red ; streak white. H. = 3 5; G. =3-46. C.c.: 25 5 lime, 10 3 cobalt oxide, 3 6 magnesia, 52 4 arsenic acid, 8 2 water. Schneeberg. 381. PHARMACOLITE, 2CaAs 2 + 6H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 65 4 (fig. 421). 139 17 , - P (n) 141 8 , 4P< (o) 83 14 , ooP3 (g) 157 5 . Crystals generally acicular and radiated. Cl. clinodiagonal, perfect ; sectile. and flexible. H. =2 to 2 5 ; G. =2 6 to 2 8. Translucent ; vitreous. Pearly white. Yields water in the closed tube. C. c. : arsenic acid 51, lime 25, water 24. Andreasberg, Bieber, Mar- P(/)11724 ,-P (I) Fig. 421. kirchen, Wittichen. Generally mixed with ery thrite or annabergite. 382. WAPPLERITE, 2CaAs + 8H 2 . Anorthic; ooP (m), oo P (M), oop 2 (n), oo P . 2 (N), ,P oo (d), P,oo (D), 3,P oo (/!), 3 P,oo (T), 2P 2(j9), 3P f (#), 3 Pf (<?), 4,P4 (o>), 2,P2 (), oo Poo (/,) (fig. 422); also incrusting and globular. Cl. clinodiagonal. H. =2 to2 5 ; G. = 2 48. Colourless. Vitreous. C.c.: lime 15 6, magnesia 7 4, arsenic acid 17 5, water 29 5. Joachimsthal. 383. HORNESITE, Mg 3 As 2 + 8H 2 . Yig. 422 (sp. 382). Oblique prismatic. ooP 107. II. -5tol; G. =2-47. White. Translucent; pearly. C.c.: 24 "3 magnesia, 29 14 water, 46 56 arsenic acid. Probably from Hungary.

384. VIVIANITE, 3Fe P 2 + 8H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 75 34 . ooP (TO) 108 2 ; P (v) 120 26 , Poo (w) 54 40 . Crystals prismatic (figs. 423, 424) ; also fibrous or earthy. Cl. clino diagonal, perfect ; thin laminae flexible. H. =2; G. =2 6 to 27. Trans lucent or transparent ; vitreous, or bright pearly on cleavage. Indigo- blue to blackish green ; streak bluish white, but soon becomes blue on exposure. C.c.: 33 1 iron protoxide, 12 2 iron peroxide, 29 phosphoric acid, and 257 water. Transparent indigo- coloured crystals at St Agnes in Cornwall, and Fig. 423. Fig. 424. Allentown and Imleytown in New Jersey ; earthy in Cornwall, Styria, North America, Greenland, and New Zealand ; and in peat mosses in northern Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Shetland. 385. SYMPLESITE, Fe 3 As 2 + 8H 2 . Oblique prismatic ; in minute acicular crystals. Cl. clino diagonal. H. =2 5; G. =2 96. Vitreous. Cleavage face pearly. Celadon-green to pale indigo ; streak bluish white. Lobenstein in Reuss, and Lolling in Carinthia. 386. ERYTHRITE, Co 3 As 2 + 8H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 55 9 . " ooP c oo (P), ooPoo (T), Poo (M) also ooP3 (k), and P (I) 118 23 (fig. 425). Cl. clinodiagonal (P), perfect ; sectile ; thin lamime flexible. H. = 1 5 to 2 5 ; G. = 2 9 to 3. Translucent ; vitreous, pearly on the cleavage. Crimson or peachblossom-red. C.c.: 38 2 arsenic acid, 37 8 cobalt protoxide, 24 water, but often with nickel 9. Cornwall, Alston in Cumberland, Alva in Stirlingshire, Schneeberg, Saalfeld, Allemont, Riechelsdorf, the Pyrenees, and Modum in Norway. Kobaltbeschlag or Earthy Incrusting Cobalt, reniform, is a mixture of erythrine with arseni- ous acid. Lavcndulan, thin reniform lavender- blue crusts, translucent, resinous, or vitreous (H. =2-5 to 3; G. = 2 95 to 3 1), consisting of arsenic acid, protoxides of cobalt, nickel, and copper, with water ; from Annaberg. 387. KOTTIGITE, (Zn, Co, Ni) 3 As 2 + 8H 2 . Oblique prismatic ; massive or in crusts, with crystalline surface and fibrous structure. Cl. clinodiagoual, perfect. H.=2 5 to 3 ; G. = 3 1. Lustre of fracture silky. Colour light carmine and peach- blossom-re<l,of different shades ; streak reddish white. Translucent to subtranslucent. C.c.: 30 52 zinc oxide, 6 91 cobalt oxide, 2 nickel oxide, with arsenic acid. Schneeberg. 388. ANNABERGITE (Nickel Ochre), Ni 3 As4-8H 2 . Oblique prismatic ; in capillary crystals, also earthy ; sectile. H. =2 to 2 5; G =3 to 3 1. Dull or glistening. Apple-green or greenish white; streak greenish white and shining. C.c.: 387 arsenic acid, 37 3 nickel protoxide, and 24 water, but with a little cobalt or iron. Leadhills, Pibble in Kirkcudbright, Audreasberg, Saalfeld, Riechelsdorf. 389. LUDLAMITE, Fe 7 2P 2 + 9H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 79 27 . ooP 131 23 ; OP ; P 111" 29 (fig. 426). Cl. OP, perfect. H. =3-5; G. =3-12. C.c.: 53-05 oxide of iron, 29 88 phosphoric acid, 17 water. Cornwall. 390. FILLOWITE, 3(:"J Oblique prismatic, C 89 51 ; Fi S 426 ( 8 P- 389 ) pseudo-rhombohedral. P; -2P8; OP. Cl. basal. H. =4 5; G. = 3-43. Resinous to greasy. Wax-yellow to red-brown, or colourless; streak white; translucent. C.c.: phosphoric acid 40 2, iron protoxide 6 8, manganese protoxide 40 2, lime 5 2, soda 5 8, water 17. Branchville (Connecticut). 391. HUREAULITE, 5(Mn, Fe)2P 2 -t-5H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 89 27 . ooP 61. Fracture conchoidal. H. =3 5; G. =3 2. Translucent; resinous. Reddish yellow or brown. B.B. fuses easily to a black metallic globule. Soluble in acids. C.c. : 39 phosphoric acid, 8 iron protoxide, 42 manganese protoxide, and 12 water. Hureaux near Limoges.

Fig. 425.