Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/542

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520 MISSISSIPPI resulting from this caused alarm in Louisiana, for the great bottom lands above were believed to act as reservoirs to receive the highest flood wave ; and it was imagined that if they were closed by levees the lower country would be overwhelmed whenever the river in flood rose above its natural banks. The aid of the Government was in voked, and Congress immediately ordered the necessary investigations and surveys. This work was placed in charge of Captain (now General) Humphreys, and an elaborate report covering the results of ten years of investi gation was published just after the outbreak of the civil war in 1861. The second of the tables given above, and indeed most of the physical facts respecting the river, are quoted from this standard authority. To understand the figures of the table it should be noted that at the mouth of Red River, 316 miles above the passes, the water surface at the lowest stage is only 5^ feet above the level of the Gulf, where the mean tidal oscillation is about ly 2 ^ feet. The river channel in this section is there fore a freshwater lake, nearly without islands, 2600 feet wide and 100 feet deep along the deepest line. At the flood stage the surface rises 50 feet at the mouth of Red River, but of course retains its level at the Gulf, thus giving the head necessary to force forward the increased volume of discharge. Above the mouth of Red River the case is essentially different. The width increases and the depth decreases ; islands become numerous ; the oscillation be tween high and low water varies but little from 50 feet until the mouth of the Ohio is reached a distance of about 800 miles. Hence the general slope in long distances is here nearly the same at all stages, and the discharge is regulated by the varying resistances of cross section, and by local changes in slope due to the passage of flood waves contributed by the different tributaries. The effect of these different physical conditions appears in the compara tive volumes which pass through the channel. At New Orleans the maximum discharge hardly reaches 1,200,000 cubic feet per second, and a rising river at high stages carries only about 100,000 cubic feet per second more than when falling at the same absolute level ; while just below the mouth of the Ohio the maximum flood volume reaches 1,400,000 cubic feet per second, and at some stages a rising river may carry one-third more water than when falling at the same absolute level. The percentage of sedimentary matter carried in suspen sion by the water varies greatly at different times, but is certainly not dependent upon the stage above low water. It is chiefly determined by the tributary whence the water j proceeds, but is also influenced by the caving of the banks, which is always excessive when the river is rapidly falling after the spring flood. In long periods the sedimentary matter is to the water by weight nearly as 1 to 1500, and by bulk as 1 to 2900. The amount held in suspension and annually contributed to the Gulf constitutes a prism 1 mile square and 263 feet high. In addition to this amount a large volume, estimated at 1 mile square and 27 feet high annually, is pushed by the current along the bottom and thus transported to the Gulf. The mean annual succession of stages for long periods is quite uniform, but so many exceptions are noted that no definite prediction can safely be made for any particular epoch. The river is usually lowest in October. It rises rapidly until checked by the freezing of the northern tributaries. It begins to rise again in February, and attains its highest point about the 1st of April. After falling a few feet it again rises until, early in June, it attains nearly the same level as before. After this it rapidly recedes to low- water mark. As a rule the river is above mid-stage from January to August inclusive, and below that level for the remainder of the year. It has been established by measurement and observation that the great bottom lands above Red River before the con struction of their levees did not serve as reservoirs to diminish the maximum wave which passed through Louisiana in great flood seasons. They had already become filled by local rains and by water escaping into them from the Mississippi through numerous bayous, so that at the date of highest water the discharge into the river near their southern borders was fully equal to the volume which the wave had lost in passing along their fronts. In fine, the investigations between 1850 and 1860 estab lished that no diversion of tributaries was possible ; that no reservoirs artificially constructed could keep back the spring freshets which caused the floods ; that the making of cut offs, which had sometimes been advocated as a measure of relief, so far from being beneficial, was in the highest degree injurious; that, while outlets within proper limits were theoretically advantageous, they were impracticable from the lack of suitable sites ; and, finally, that levees properly constructed and judiciously placed would afford protection to the entire alluvial region. During the civil war (1861-65) the artificial embankments were neglected ; but after its close large sums were expended by the States directly interested in repairing them. The work was done without concert upon defective plans, and a great flood early in 1874 inundated the country, causing terrible suffering and loss. Congress, then in session, passed an Act creating a commission of five engineers to determine and report on the best system for the permanent reclamation of the entire alluvial region. Their report, rendered in 1875, endorsed the conclusions of that of 1861, and advocated a general levee system on each bank. This system comprised (1) a main embankment raised to specified heights sufficient to restrain the floods; and (2), where reasonable security against caving required considerable areas near the river to be thrown out, exterior levees of such a height as to exclude ordinary high waters but to allow free passage to great floods, which as a rule only occur at intervals of five or six years. The back country would thus be securely protected, and a safe refuge would be pro vided for the inhabitants and domestic animals living upon the portion subject to occasional overflow. An engineering organiza tion was proposed for constructing and maintaining these levees, and a detailed topographical survey was recommended to determine their precise location. Congress promptly approved and ordered the survey ; but strong opposition on constitutional grounds was raised to the construction of the levees by the Government. In the meantime complaints began to be heard respecting the low-water navigation of the river below the mouth of the Ohio. Forty-three places above the mouth of Red River afforded depths of less than 10 feet, and thirteen places depths less than 5 feet, the aggregate length of such places being about 150 miles. A board of five army engineers, appointed in 1878 to consider a plan of relief, reported that 10 feet could probably be secured by narrow ing ,the wide places to about 3500 feet with hurdle work, brush ropes, or brush dykes designed to cause a deposit of sediment, and by protecting caving banks, when necessary, by such light and cheap mattresses as experience should show to be best suited to the work. Experiments in these methods were soon begun upon the river above Cairo, and have since proved of decided benefit. In June 1879 Congress created a commission of seven members to mature plans to correct, permanently determine, and deepen the channel, to protect the banks of the river, to improve and give safety to navigation, to prevent destructive floods, and to promote and facilitate commerce. Up to 1882 appropriations amounting to 1,285,000 were made to execute the plans of this commission, but with provisos that none of the funds were to be expended in repairing or building levees for the protection of land against overflow, although such levees might be constructed if necessary to deepen the channel and improve navigation. Acting under this authority, the commission have allotted considerable sums to repair existing breaks in the levees ; but their chief dependence is upon contracting the channel at low water by promoting lateral deposits, and upon protecting the high-water banks against caving by mats of brush, wire, &c., ballasted where necessary with stone, substan tially the plans proposed by the army board of 1878. The bars at the efflux of the passes at the mouth of the Mississippi have long been recognized as serious impediments to commerce. The river naturally discharges through three principal branches, the south-west pass, the south pass, and the north-east pass, the latter through two channels, the most northern of which is called Pass a 1 Outre. The ruling depth on the several bars varies with the discharge over them, which in turn is controlled by the successive

advances of the passes. In the natural condition the greatest