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PARIS 281 cxcepted) was 8048. Among the private establishments giving secondary education mention must be made of the College Ste Barbe, the Monge, Bossuet, Fenelon, and Massillon schools, the old Jesuit colleges at Vaugirard, Rue do Madrid, and Rue Lhomond, the two lesser seminaries of Notre Dame des Champs and St Nicolas, and numerous institutions preparatory for the examinations and special schools. In 1881 there were 11, 608 pupils in the secular and 15,811 in the ecclesiastical establishments, of which 1584 in addition attended a lycee course. For some years there have been at the Sorbonne special classes for young ladies, but the secondary education of girls is only beginning to be organized. Higher education is given in the faculties of science, literature, and Catholic theology, which are together iu the Sorbonne, and in the faculties of law and of medicine, each of which is by itself. There is also a faculty of Protestant theology transferred to Paris from Strasburg. These faculties confer the degrees of bachelor, licentiate, and doctor. The Catholic Institute, a private foundation, has faculties of law, literature, and science, but has no right of conferring degrees. The Sorbonne, the seat of the Academy of Paris and of its rector, who is the head of the whole educational system, contains a library of 100,000 volumes belonging to the university, and a well-appointed museum of physical science, and laboratories. The school of law has a library of 30,000 volumes and the school of medicine 60,000 volumes, forming the most complete medical collection iu the world. Connected with the school of medicine are the Orlila museum of comparative anatomy, the Dupuytren pathological museum, the practical school of anatomy, and a botanic garden, and the midwifery schools of the Maternity and De la Pitie hospitals ; the higher school of pharmacy and the dissecting amphitheatre for hospital students are also affiliated institutions. Whilst the "faculties" are specially intended to prepare for and confer university degrees (though their lectures are open to the public), the College de France is meant to give instruction of the highest order to the general public (men or women) ; and the various sciences <are there represented by thirty-seven chairs. The E^ole des Hautcs Etudes supplements the theoretical instruction provided by the public lectures of the higher education by practical training. The upper normal school is for the training of "professors" for secondary classical education and for the faculties. The l^cole des Hautcs Etudes Ecclesiastiques prepares ecclesiastical "professors" for the institu tions and lesser seminaries which supply secondary education, and are placed in the hands of the clergy. The free school of the political sciences prepares more especially candidates for adminis trative employments (council of state, &c. ). The Ecole des Chartes trains record-keepers in the reading and study of ancient documents. The school of living Oriental languages teaches the principal languages from Russian and Modern, Greek to Malay, Chinese, and Japanese. The Polytechnic school (Ecole Polytechuique) trains military and naval engineers for the artillery corps, the corps of engineers, and the navy-yards, and civil engineers for the national corps of the roads and bridges, the mines, and the state manufactories (tobacco, powder, and saltpetre). As for infantry and cavalry officers, they usually come from the special military school of St Cyr, when they do not rise from the ranks. In Paris too are situated the Ecole Superieure de Guerre ; the practical schools of roads and bridges and of mines, for the training of civil engineers, with libraries and collections of models and classes in some cases open to the public ; the Ecole d" Application des Tabacs ; the school of military medicine and pharmacy. The central school of the arts and manufactures, though some years ago it became a Government institution, still educates engineers for ordinary industrial careers. The school of the fine arts (Ecole des Beaux Arts), intended for painters, sculptors, and architects, contains valuable collections, which render the palace in which they are exhibited one of the most interesting museums in Paris. The instruction in this institu tion is at once theoretical and practical. It is open to all French men from fifteen to thirty years of age, and even in some cases to foreigners. Of the various competitions open to the pupils the most important is for the j>ri.v dc Rome. The successful com petitor is rewarded with four years residence in Italy at Government expense, two years being spent at the Medici palace in Rome. Schools of design for boys and girls serve as preparatory for the school of the fine arts, or train designers for industrial occupa tions. There is a free school of architecture. Music and elocution are taught at the Conservatoire, which possesses a musical library and a very curious collection of musical instruments. The diocesan seminary of St Sulpice receives clerical pupils from all France to the number of 200 ; the foreign mission seminary trains missionaries for the far East, and the seminary of St Esprit mis sionaries for the French colonies. The Lazarists have also a noviciat of their own. The Irish, English, and Scotch colleges, as their names suggest, prepare priests for the Roman Catholic dioceses of the United Kingdom. .Juartier A district at one time almost exclusively occupied by students and known as the Quartier Latin or Pays Latin was situated on the left side of the river mainly in the arrondissement of Luxem bourg; the old houses have, however, been almost entirely demolished since about 1850. It corresponded on the whole to the pre- Revolutionary quarter of St Benoit or the University, otherwise called the Faubourg St Jacques. The most distinctive portion lay between Rue St Jacques and Boulevard St Michel. Rue de la Harpe opens into Boulevard St Michel ; and Rue du Fouarre, frequently mentioned in mediaeval and Renaissance writers, strikes N. E. from Rue St Jacques. The students now live for the most part in the vicinity of Sorbonne and the schools of medicine and law. They frequent the cafes and beershops of Boulevard St Michel and its neighbourhood. The principal libraries in Paris have already been described Libra- under LIBRARIES (vol. xiv. pp. 524-6), and an account of the rjes. observatory will be found in vol. xvii. p. 712. The Bureau des Longitudes, which was founded in 1795 for Bureau the advancement of astronomy and navigation, and publishes the des Connaissance des Temps, is located at the Institute. The meteoro- Longi- logical office and observatory is situated in the Montsouris Park, and tudes. in connexion with it is a school of nautical astronomy and practical geodesy. The observatory for physical astronomy is at Meudon. The Conservatoire des Arts et des Metiers, in the old priory of Conser- St Martin des Champs, was founded (1794) as a public repository of vatoire machines, models, tools, plans, descriptions, and books in regard des Arts, to all kinds of arts and trades. Various courses of lectures on the applications of science to commerce and industry have been added from time to time ; they are all open to the public without fee, and are addressed rather to workmen and artisans than to the wealthy or learned. The Agronomic Institute has recently been removed to the Conservatoire. The Jardin des Plantes (1626), about 75 acres in extent, forms Jardin one of the most interesting promenades in Paris ; its museum of des natural history (1793), with its zoological gardens, its hothouses Plantes. and greenhouses, its nursery and naturalization gardens, its museums of zoology, anatomy, anthropology, botany, mineralogy, and geology, its laboratories, and its courses of lectures by the most distinguished professors in all branches of natural science, make it an institution of universally acknowledged eminence. Learned Societies. Among the learned societies of Paris the first Learned in importance is the Institut de France, which has already been societies, described (see INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, vol. xiii. p. 160). The committee of learned societies at the ministry of public instruc tion forms, as it were, the centre of the various societies not maintained by the Government ; and the French Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, founded in 1872, is based on the model of the older British society, and like it meets every year in a different town. The other societies may be classified as follows : 1. Historical or Geographical History of France, Anti quaries of France (till 1814 known as Celtic Academy), Historic Studies, Numismatics and Archaeology, Bibliophiles, School of Charters, Ethnography, Geography (1821, and thus the oldest of its class), Asiatic (1822), French Alpine Club (Club Alpin) ; 2. Natural and Medical Sciences Anthropology, Zoological Acclima tization (which has the direction of the zoological gardens in the Bois de Boulogne), Entomological, Geological, Surgery, Anatomy, Biology, Medical of the Hospitals, Legal Medicine or Medical Jurisprudence, Practical Medicine, Pharmacy, Agricul ture, 1 Horticulture ; 3. Industrial and Moral Sciences Encourage ment of National Industry, Statistics, Elementary Instruction, Franklin (for the foundation of popular libraries) ; 4. Positive Sciences and Fine Arts Philomathic, Physical, Philotechnie, Athenteum of the Arts, Sciences, and Literature (1792), Concerts of the Conservatoire de Musiqne (1795). Newspapers. Paris is very largely supplied with newspapers of News- all descriptions. Sec NEWSPAPERS, vol. xvii. pp. 423-8. papers. Museums. The richest museum in Paris occupies the Louvre, the Muse- finest of its palaces. On the ground floor are museums (1) of urns, ancient sculpture, containing such treasures as the Venus of Milo, the Pallas of Velletri (the most beautiful of all statues of Minerva), the colossal group of the Tiber, discovered at Rome in the 14th century, &c. ; (2) of medieval and renaissance sculpture, compris ing works by Michelangelo, Jean Goujon, Germain Pilon, John of Bologna, &c., and special rooms devoted to early Christian monu ments and to Jewish antiquities (this last a feature peculiar to the Louvre) ; (3) of modern French sculpture, with works by Puget, Coustou, Coysevox, Chaudet, Houdon, Rude, David of Angers, &c. ; (4) of Egyptian sculpture and inscriptions ; (5) of Assyrian anti quities ; (6) of Greek and Phoenician antiquities ; (7) of engraving. On the first floor are (1) the Lacaze museum, a magnificent collection of pictures presented to the state by M. Lacaze in 1869 ; (2) the splen did musec de peinture ; (3) the Campana museum ; (4) a museum of Greek antiquities ; (5) a museum of Egyptian antiquities ; (6) an Oriental museum (Persian pottery, Chinese vases, lacquered wor!-, &c. ) ; (7) the Lenoir museum (snuff-boxes, jewels, miniatures, lac quered wares, bequeathed to the Louvre by M. and Madame Lenoir 1 As the National Society of Agriculture, in contrast to neaily all the other societies, cons : sts of only a limited number of jiersons named by the Government, to be a member of this corporation 1ms a distinct value similar (though at a con siderable remove) to that of being a member of the Institute. XVI7I. 76