Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 23.djvu/86

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were raised 41,240 02 . of gold, 5461 tons of tin, and 5334 tons of coal. The total export ot'gold and tin during the live years 1880 to 1885 was of the value of £2,591,320,—being £642,230 more than for the ten years preceding. The export of tin averaged 79, 682 cwt.

Agriculture.—The island has not a large area fit for cultivation. A great part is very mountainous; and dense scrubs, with heavy forests, are impediments to the farmer. The west side is too wet, stormy, and sterile for settlement. Almost all the farms lie in the line between Hobart and Launceston and between Launceston and Circular Head. The climate being cooler and moister than in most parts of Australia, the productions are of an English character, hops, harley, and oats being freely raised. Cropping land for many successive years with wheat has lessened the produce of what was fertile country, as little manure had been used. In later times there has been a great improvement in agriculture. For some time Tasmanian growers did well, supplying Australia and Hew Zealand with flour, potatoes, and fruit; but, as their customers became in their turn producers, the old markets failed in all but apples and stone fruit. Fresh and preserved fruit, with jams, together with excellent hops, continue to afibrd the islanders a good trade. In 1885-86 there were 417,777 acres in cultivation; in crop, 144,761; in grasses, 181,203. Wheat occupied 30,266 acres, barley 6833, oats 29,247, pease 714/, potatoes 11,073, hay 41,693, turnips 3680, and gardens and orchards 8198.

So large a part of the island is covered with thicket, rock, and marsh that it appears less pastoral than eastern Australia. The total number of sheep in 1886 amounted to 1,648,627, the horses to 28,610, and the cattle to 138,642. Of 16,778,000 acres only 4,403,888 have been sold or granted.

Flora.—This differs hut little from that of south-eastern Australia, with which it was formerly connected. Over a thousand species are represented. The eucalypts are gums, stringy bark^ box, peppermint, ironwood, &>c. The celebrated blue gum {Eucalyptus Globulus), so eagerly sought for pestilential places in southern Europe, Africa, and America, flourishes best in the southern districts of the island. For shipbuilding purposes the timber, which, grows to a large size, is much prized. Acacias are abundant, and manna trees are very productive. Sassafras {AtTierosperma mos- chata) is a tall and handsome tree. Pines are numerous. The Huon pine {Eacrydium eupressiv/um), whose satin-like wood is so sought after, flourishes in Huon and Gordon river districts. The celery pine is a Phyllocladus, and the pencil cedar an Athrotaxis, The pepper tree is Tasmania fragrans. The Myrtaceas are noble trees. The lakes cider tree is Eucalyptus resinifera, whose treacle-like sap was formerly made into a drink by bushmen. Xantlior- roeas or grass trees throw up a flowering spike. The charming red flowers of the Tasmanian tulip tree {Telopea) are seen from a great distance on the sides of mountains. The so-called rice plant, with rice-like grains on a stalk, is the grass Richea. Of Boronia, Epmris, and Orchis there are numerous species. The Blandfordia, a Liliaceous plant, has a head of brilliant crimson flowers. The Casuarina, Exocarpus, Banhsia, and tree fern resemble those of Australia. Tasmanian evergreen forests are very aromatic. At one time the island had an extensive timber trade with Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide, and it still exports £50,000 to £80,000 worth annually of planks, shingles, paling, &c.

Fauna.—Animal life in Tasmania is similar to that in Australia. The dingo or dog of the latter is wanting; and the Tasmanian devil and tiger, or wolf, are peculiar to the island. The Marsupials include the Macropus or kangaroo, Didclphys or opossum, Feta/u/mis or flying phalanger, Perameles or bandicoot, Hypsiprymnus or kangaroo rat, BTiascolomys ox wombat; while of Monotremata there are the Echidna or porcupine anteater and the duck-hilled platypus. The marsupial tiger or Tasmanian wolf {Thylacinus cynocephalus), 5 feet long, is yellowish brown, with several stripes across the back, having short stiff hair and ver 3 r short legs (see vol. xv. p. 380). Very few of these nocturnal carnivores are now alive to trouble flocks. The tiger cat of the colonists, with weasel legs, white spots, and nocturnal habits, is a large species of the untameahle native cats. The de(Dasyumis or Sarcophilus ursioius) is black, with white hands on neck and haunches. The covering of this savage but cowardly little night-prowler is a sort of short hair, not fur. The tail is thick, and the hull-dog mouth is formidable. Among the birds of the island are the eagle, hawk, petrel, owl, finch, peewit, diamond bird, firetail, robin, emu-wren, crow, swallow, magpie, blackcap, goatsucker, quail, ground dove, jay, parrot, lark, mountain thrusb, cuckoo, wattlebird, whistling duck, honej^bird, Cape Barren goose, penguin duck, waterhen, snipe, albatross, and laughing jackass. Snakes are pretty plentiful in scrubs; the lizards are harmless. Insects, though similar to Australian ones, are far less troublesome; many are to be admired for their great beauty.

Fisheries.—In the early years of occupation the island was the resort of whalers from the United Kingdom, the United States, and France. Both spem and black oil, wiSi whalebone, were important articles of export till the retreat of the whales to other seas. Sealing was earned on successfully for many years in Bass’s Strait, u ntil the seals were utterly destroyed. There has recently been a revival of whaling, the product of the island fisliery for 1885 being £12,600. The bays contain some excellent fish, much esteemed in the neighbouring colonies, particularly the trumpeter, found on the southern side of the island. Of nearly 200 sorts of fishes a third can be considered good for food. The outer fisheries extend to 16 miles from shore, being from 20 to 80 fathoms deep. The species include the trumpeter {Latris, found up to 60 R> weight), the “salmon” of the old settlers {Arri 2 ois), the flathead {Platycephalus), trevally {Nepttonemus), garfish {Hemirliamphus), banneouta and kingfisli (both Tliyrsites^. There are thirteen sorts of perch, and five of bream. The anchovy is migratory. English mackerel have been seen off the east coast ; and some of the herrings are much like the English. Rock cod and bull-kelp cod are favourites. Mud oj^sters are nearly worked out ; artificial oyster-beds are being formed. English trout {Salmo fario) are more certainly found than the true salmon {Salmo salar) ; the last are doubtful, though numbers have been raised in hatcheries on the Derwent. Among freshwater fish are a so-called freshwater herring {Protoiroctes), various kinds of what the old settlers called trout {Galaxias), blackfish (Gadopsis), and fine perch.

Commerce.—Soon after the colony was founded there was a great trade in whale oil, as well as in the oil and skins of seals. When this declined, merchants did well in the exportation of breads tuffs, fruits, and vegetables to the neighbouring and more recently established colonies, not less than to Hew South Wales. Timber was also freely sent to places less favoured wdth forests or too busy with other employments. When the trade with England in oil fell off, the export in wool and then of metals succeeded. Tasmania has now an active commerce with Yictoria, but has a competitor rather than a customer in Hew Zealand. The shipping during 1885 was 342,745 tons inward, 335,061 outward. The imports for that ye.a. 1 ' came to £1,757,486; the exports to £1,313,693. Of the exports, £1,299,011 were of Tasmanian products and manufactures,—including wool, £260,480; tin, £357,687; gold, £141,319; fruit, £105,363. The banks of the colony at the end of 1885 showed assets £3,754,226 and liabilities £3,814,631. The savings banks early in 1886 declared £456,774 to the credit of depositors. Attempts have been recently made to draw Tasmania into closer commercial and fiscal relations with Victoria.

Manufactures.—Humerous industries are practised, though not to the extent of exportation, excepting from the working of 28 tanneries, 62 sawmills, 13 breweries, 7 manufactories of jam, and a rising wool factory.

Roads and Railways.—No colony, for its area, was ever so favoured with excellent roads as Tasmania has been. There are now about 5000 miles of good roads. The principal line of railway is that from Hobart to Launceston. Altogether, 260 miles of railway were open in 1887.

Post-Office.—In early years letters were carried by runners on foot across the island. In 1885 there were 246 post offices, and the telegraph had 1579 miles of wire. A submarine line connects Tasmania with Victoria.

Administration.—The governor is appointed by the British crown. The legislative council has eighteen members, and the assembly thirty-six. The revenue for 1885-86 w^as £571,396, the expenditure £585,766. The public debt, contracted for public works, amounts to three and a third millions. The customs provided £276,100. The official machinery is as extensive as for a colony with seven or eight times the population.

Education.—At first the state made grants in aid to schools established by private persons and religious denominations, but ultimatelj'-, as in Victoria and Hew Zealand, education was made secular and compulsory, religious teaching being out of school hours, or dependent on Sunday schools, which are to be found all over the island. There are 204 public schools, maintained out of a fund of £32,793. In eight gi'ammar and collegiate schools a higher standard of instruction is reached. The degree of Associate of Arts is conferred on deserving scholars in the state schools; and exhibitions (up to £200 a year for four years) enable pupils to study at the higher schools or colonial or European universities. Ho state grant is now made for the support of any religious denomination.

Population.—The whites have entirely displaced the blacks. Outrages and ci’uelties led to conflicts; and now the last individual of the tribes has passed away. There are, however, some half-castes on islands in the Straits. The colonists in Tasmania are more concentrated than in other settlements. In 1818 there were 2320 men, 432 women, and only 489 children. At the census of 1881 the population numbered 116,705 (61,162 males, 64,543 females); in 1886 it was estimated at 133,791. The births in 1886 averaged 34·6 per thousand, the deaths 15·2.

History.—The Dutch navigator Tasman (q.v.) sighted the island November 24, 1642, and named it Van Diemen’s Land, after the Dutch governor of Java. He took possession at Frederick Henry Bay in the name of the stadtholder of Holland, and then passed on to the discovery of Hew Zealand. The French Captain Marion in 1772 came to blows with the natives. Captain Cook was at