Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/767

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1861-1867.] CHRONOLOGY 753 wells in Pennsylvania. The "Warrior," first British ironclad steamer launched. Essays and lieviews published. Mill s On Liberty. 1861. William I. king of Prussia, January 2. Famine in North western provinces of India. Secession of Mississippi from the Union, January 9 ; followed by that of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, January 10-February 1. Kansas admitted a State of the Union, January 29. Cession of Mentone and Roquebrune to France, February 2. Confederate States con stituted under presidency of Jefferson Davis, February 4. Capture of Gaeta by General Cialdini, February 13. First Italian parlia ment meets at Turin, February 18. New constitution of Austrian empire decreed by patent, February 26. Dakota (U.S. ) organised as a territory, March 2. Emancipation of tie serfs in Russia decreed by the Czar, March 3. Abraham Lincoln president of United States, March 4. Title of king of Italy conferred on Victor Emmanuel, March 17. Annexation of St Domingo to Spain, March 18. Bombardment and capture of Fort Sumter, Charleston, by Confederates, April 12, 13. Secession of Virginia, April 17. Blockade of Southern ports, April 19 Secession of Arkansas, May 6, of Tennessee, May 8, of N. Carolina, May 20. Death of Count Cavour, June 6 (born, 1810). Paper duty in Great Britain abolished by Act passed June 12. Confederate States recognized as belligerents by Great Britain and France, June 15 Deatli of Lord Campbell, June 23 (born, 1779). Abdul Aziz sultan of the Ottomans, June 25. Death of Mrs Browning, June 29 (born, 1809). Juarez president of Mexico, June 30. Confederate congress sits at Richmond, Va. , July 20. First battle of Bull Pain (Manassas), July 21. Visit of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort to Ireland, August 21-29. Meeting of Napoleon III. and the king of Prussia at Compiegne, October 6. Seizure of Confederate commissioners on board the British steamer "Trent," Novem ber 8 ; they are surrendered, December 28. Death of Father Lacordaire, November 22 (born, 1802). Italian ambassador leaves Madrid, November 26. Jefferson Davis elected president of Confede rate States for six years, November 30. Death of the Prince Con sort, December 14, (born, 1819). Ningpo taken by the Taepings, December 23. Principality of Roumauia formed by union of Moldavia and Wallachia, December 23. Suspension of cash pay ments in Federal States, December 31. Post-Office Savings Banks opened in England. Storm warnings begun by Fitzroy. Stanley s Eastern Church published. Hymns Ancient and Modern. Max Miiller s Science of Language. 1862. Death of Biot, February 3 (born, 1774). Encounter between the ironclads "Merrimac" and "Monitor 1 in the James River, March 9. Earl of Elgin governor-general of India, March 12. Japanese embassy received by Napoleon III., April 13. France declares war on Mexico, April 16. Surrender of New Orleans to the Federals, April 24. Japanese embassy reaches England, April 30. Opening of International Exhibition, South Kensington, May 1 (closed, November 1). Battle of Williamslmrg, May 5. Ningpo taken by the allies, May 10. Death of Buckle, May 29 ^born 1822). Battles on the Chickahominy (before Rich mond), June 25 to July 1. Treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Belgium, July 23. Death of ex-president Van Buren, July 24 (born, 1782). The "Alabama" Confederate corvette sails from Liverpool, July 29. Garibaldi occupies Catania, August 20. Garibaldi defeated, wounded, and captured at Aspromonte, August 29. Second battle of Bull Run, August 30. Confederates invade Maryland, September 5, 6. Confederates defeated at South Mountain, September 14 ; and at Antietam, September 17. Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act in United States, September 24. Abdication of Otho, king of Greece, October 24. Death of Uhland, November 13 (born, 1787). Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13. Cotton Famine in Lancashire at its height in December. Herbert Spencer s First Principles published. Helm- holtz s Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen. 1863. President Lincoln proclaims the Confederate States to be in rebellion, and declares their slaves free, January 1. Western Virginia admitted a State of the Union, January 1. Death of Horace Vernet, January 17 (born, 1789). Treaty of commerce between France and Italy, January 17. Ismael Pasha viceroy of Egypt, January 18. Insurrection in Poland, under Langiewicz, January 22 ; he is defeated, March 19. Rebellion of Maoris in New Zealand, January; they are defeated, July 17 and November 20. Marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Princess Alexandra of Denmark at Windsor, March 10. Prince William George of Den mark elected king of Greece, March 18. Puebla taken by the French, March 31. Death of Sir G. Cornewall Lewis, April 13 (born, 1806). Battle of Chancellorsville, General "Stonewall" Jackson mortally wounded, May 2 (died, May 9). Puebla, Mexico, entered by French under General Forey, May 17. Vicksburg attacked by General Grant, May 19 ; surrendered, July 4. Capture of Herat by Mahomed Khan, May 26. Death of Dost Mahomed, June 9. General Forey enters the city of Mexico, June 10. Battles of Gettysburg, July 1-3. Death of Mulready, July 7 (born, 1786). Surrender of Port Hudson to the Federals, July 8. Empire of , Mexico proclaimed ; Maximilian, archduke of Austria, elected emperor, July 10. Abolition of the Scheldt dues, July 16. Chattanooga occupied by Federals, September 10. Battle of Chicamauga, September 19, 20. Death of Jacob Grimm, September 20 (bom, 1785). Death of ArchbishopWhately, October 8 (born, 1787). Prince of Sonderburg-Glucksburg proclaimed king of Denmark as Christian IX., November 16. Prince Frederick of Augustenburg claims the duchies of Scldeswig-Holstein, November 18. Battle of Chattanooga, defeat of Confederates, November 24. First Fenian Convention meets at Chicago, November 25. Death of Thackeray, December 24 (born, 1811). Colenso s Pentateuch critically examined published. George Eliot s Eomola. Renan s Vie de Jesus. 1864. Sir John Lawrence viceroy of India, January 12. Ger man ultimatum presented to Denmark, January 16. Austro-Prus- sian army enters Holstein, January 21. Evacuation of the Danne- werk, February 6. Visit of Garibaldi to England, April 3-27. Seizure of Chincha Islands by Spain, April 14. Capture of Diippel by Prussians, April 18. Russian conquest of Circassia completed. Death of Meyerbeer, May 2 (bora, 1794). Suspension of hostilities in Schleswig, May 12. Death of N. Hawthorne, May 19 (born, 1804). Cession of Ionian Islands to Greece, May 28. Arrival of the emperor Maximilian in Mexico, May 29. The "Alabama" sunk by the "Kearsage," off Cherbourg, June 19. Hostilities resumed in Denmark, June 26. Nanking taken from the Taepings, July 19 ; end of the rebellion. Repeal of Fugitive Slave Law, U.S., June 23. Belfast Orange riots, August 8-16. Occupation of Atlanta by Fede rals, September 2. Evacuation of Rome by the French in two years agreed to, September 15. Death of W. S. Landor, September 17 (born, 1775). Treaty of peace between Denmark, Prussia, and Austria signed at Vienna, October 30 (ratified, November 16). Nevada admitted a State of the Union, October 31. Death of David Roberts, R.A., November 25 (born, 1796). Savannah, occupied by General Sherman, December 21. Geneva Convention for relief of the wounded in war originated. Dynamite introduced by Nobel Tennyson s Enoch Arden published. Newman s A pologia pro Vita sua. Taine s Histoire de la Literature Anglaise. 1865. Death of Proudhon, January 19 (born, 1809). Treaty of peace between Spain and Peni, January 25. Occupation of Charles ton by General Gillmour, February 17. The first telegram received in London direct from Kurrachee, March 1. President Lincoln enters upon second term of office, March 4. Death of Cobden,. April 2 (born, 1804). Richmond entered by General Grant, April 3. Surrender of General Lee, April 9. Assassination of President Lincoln, April 14 ; vice-president Andrew Johnson succeeds him, April 15. Paraguay declares war on Argentine Confederation, April 16. Alliance between Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentine Con federation, May 1. Capture of President Davis, May 10, and end of American war. Italian seat of government transferred to Florence, May 11. Death of Isaac Taylor, June 28 (born, 1786). Death of Professor Aytoun, August 4 (born, 1813). Death of Sir William J. Hooker, August 12 (born, 1785). Convention of Gastein, re specting Danish duchies, August 14. Navigation treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, August 16. Rinderpest in England, July-October. Arrest of Fenian leaders in Ireland, September 15. Negro riots at Morant Bay, Jamaica, October 11. Deatli of Lord Palmerston, October 18 (born, 1784). Earl Russell first lord of the treasury, October 19. Leopold II. king of the Belgians, December 10. Commercial treaty between Great Britain and Austria, December 16. Slavery abolished in United States, December 18. Death of Frederika Bremer, December 31 (born,. 1802). Lecky s liise and Influence of nationalism published. Pusey s Eirenicon. 1866. Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland, February 17. Death of Dr Whewell, March 6 (born, 1794). Death of Keble, March 29 (born, 1792). Alliance between Prussia and Italy signed, March 27. Bombardment of- Valparaiso by Spanish fleet, March 31. Civil Rights Bill passed by U.S. Congress, April 12. Prince Charle? of Hohenzollern elected hospodar of Roumania, April 15. Suspen sion of Bank of England Charter Act, May 11. Fenian raids into Canada, May 31 and June 7. Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act in Canada, June 8. Prussia withdraws from Germanic Confederation, June 14. Prussians enter Saxony and Hanover, June 15. Austria declares war, June 17 ; Prussia, June 18 ; Italy, June 20. Italians defeated at Custozza, June 24. Resignation of the Russell ministry, June 26. Surrender of Hanoverian army, June 29. Prussians defeat Austrians at Sadowa (Koniggriitz), July 3. Austria cedes Venetia to France, July 5. The Derby ministry enter office, July 6. Occupation of Frankfort by Prussians, July 16. Battle of Lissa,. July 20. Preliminaries of peace signed at Nikolsburg, July 26. Insurrection in Crete, August. Treaty of peace between Austria and Prussia signed at Prague, August 23. Treaty of peace between Austria and Italy signed at Vienna, October 3. North German Confederation formed, August-October. Yenetia united to Italy, November 4. Rome evacuated ly the French, December 3-11. Ecce Homo published. Swinburne s Poems and Ballads. 1867. Deathof Victor Cousin, January 14 (born, 1792). SchlesTrig Holstein incorporated with Prussia, January 24. Hungarian con

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