Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/179

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XXX (143) XXX

ANA < i. ANAQUITO, a country of Peru, in South America, in the government of Quito. ANARCHY, in matters of polity, fuch a confufion in the ftate, that no fupreme authority is lodged either in the prince or other rulers, and confequently the people live at large, without fubordination, or any refpeft for the laws. ANARICHAS, in ichthyology, a genus of fifties of the order of apodes. The head of .the anarichas is a little obtufe; the teeth are thick fet and roundifti. The fix fore ones, both above and below, are conical and diverging; the inferior and palate molares are round ; the branchioftege membrane has fix rays ; the body is fomewhat cylindrical; the "tail-fin is diflinth There is one fpecies of this genus; viz. the anarichas lupus, or fea-wolf. It grows generally tp four, or five feet in length. The lapis bufonites or lycodentes is the teeth of the anarichas petrified. It is a native of the northern coaft of England. ANARRHINON, in botany. See Antirrhinum. ANARRHOPIA, among phyficians, a tendency of the humours to the head or fuperior parts. ANAS, in ornithology, a genus of birds belonging to the order of anferes. The beak of this genus is a little obtufe, covered with an epidermis or ikin, gibbous at the bafe, and broad at the apex; the tongue is obtufe and fleftiy; the feet are webbed and fitted for fwimming. Under this genus Linnasus comprehends 38 fpecies, viz. 1. The cygnus, or fwan, with a femicylindrical black bill, yellow wax, and a white body. It is the wild fwan of Englifti authors, and a native of Europe and N. America. Linnaeus fays, they frequently vifit Sweden after a thaw; and they are caught with apples in which a hook is concealed. 2. The cygnoides, with a femicylindrical bill, gibbous wax, and tumid eye-brows: It is the fwan-goofe of Ray, from Guinea. There is likewife a variety of this fpecies, of a lefs fize, called the goofe of Mufcovy. ' 3. The tadorna,. with a flat bill, a comprefted forehead, a greenifti black head, and the body is variegated with white. It is the (hell-drake of Ray, and frequents the fea-coafts of Europe. 4. The fpectabilis, has a comprefled bill, gibbous at the bafe, a black feathery carina, and a hoary head. It is the grey-headed duck of Edwards, and is a native of Sweden and Canada. 5. The fufca, is of a blackiih colour, has a white fpot behind the eyes, and a white line on the wings. The male of this fpecies is diftinguifhed by a gibbofity at the bafe of the bill. It is the black duck of Ray, and a native of the European feas. 6. The nigra, is totally black, and has a gibbofity at the bafe of the bill; the tail refembles a wedge; the female is brownifti. It is the lefler black duck of Ray, and a native of Britain and Lapland, 7. The . anfer, has a femicylindrical bill; the upper part of the body is afti-coloured, .but paler below; and the neck is (Leaked. It is the wild-goofe of Ray, and is a native of Europe and America. There is a variety of this fpecies from America, which Edwards calls the laughing-goofe; it has a white ring at the bafe of the bill, and its neck is (Leaked. The anferes migrate in large

3 ) ANA troops. 8. The erythropus, is of a grey colour, and has a white forehead. It inhabits the north of Europe. 9. The canadenfis, is brown, the neck and head are black, and the throat white. It is a native of Canada. 10. The coerulefcens, is greyifti above, and white underneath; the covert feathers of the wings and back are bluifti. It is the blue-winged goofe of Edwards, and a native pf Canada. 11. The bernicla, is of a brown colour; with the head, neck, and bread black; and a white collar. It is the brent-goofe of Ray, and is a native of the northern parts of Europe. 12. The molliflima, or cutbertduck of Ray, has a cylindrical bill, and the wax is divided behind and wrinkled. The feathers, which are very foft and valuable, fall off during incubation. The male is white above, but black below and behind ; the female is greenifti. It is a native of the north of Europe. 13. The mofchata, or Mufcovy duck of Ray, has a naked papillous face, and is a native of India. 14. The bahamenfis, or Bahama duck, is grey, with a lead-coloured bill. It has a tawny fpot on the fides, and a green yellowiftv fpot on the wings. It is a native of Bahama. 15. The albeola, or little black and white duck, has a black back and wings; the head is bluifti, and white on the hinder-part. It is a native of America. 16. The clypeata, or ftioveler of Ray, has the end of its bill broad and rounded, and a crooked nail at the end of it. It is found neat the European (bores. 17. The (Lepera, or flat-billed duck of Aldrovandus, has the wings variegated with black, white, and red. It frequents the frefli waters of Europe. iS. The bucephala, or lefler duck of -Catefby, has the back and wings black ;- and the head, both above and below, is interfperfed with (hining fii • ky feathers. It frequents the frefti waters of N. A merica. to. The clangula, or golden-eye of Ray, is variegated with black and white, and the head is in terfperfed with blackifti green feathers ; it has a white fpot near the mouth. It dives much in queft of (hellfifti; the eyes are of a (hining gold colour. 20. The ruftica, is brownifti, or afti-coloured, with a white fpot on the ears and wings. It is a native of N. America. 21. The perfpicillata, or great black dtick, is white on the top of the head and of the neck, and has a black fpot on the bill, immediately behind the noftrils. It is a native of Canada. 22. The glaucion, or greater wild-duck of Ray, has the iris of the eyes yellow, a grey head, and white collar. It frexjuents the northern (hores of Europe. 23. The penelops, or widgeon of Ray, has aiharpifti tail, black below; the head is brown, and the forehead white. It inhabits the marfliy parts of Europe. 24. The acuta, or fea-pheafant of Ray, has a long acuminated tail, black below, and a white line on each fide of the back part of the head. It is a native of Europe. 25. The hyemalis, or long-tailed duck, has a tail (haped like a wedge, and long tail-feathers; the body is grey, and the temples white. It is a native of Europe and America. 26. The ferina, or redheaded widgeon of Ray, has a(h-coloured wings, and a black-rump. It frequents the maritime parts of Europe.