Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/268

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XXX (224) XXX







Part II.

EXPLANATION of PLATE XV. Fig. i. The Muscles immediately under the common teguments on the anterior part of the body, are reprefented on the right fide; and on the left fide the Muscles are feen which come in view when the exterior ones are taken away. A, The frontal mufcle. B, The tendinous aponeurofis which joins it to the occipital; hence both named occipit e-fronta Us. C, Attolens aurem. D, The ear. E, Anterior auris. F F_, Orbicularis palpebrarum. G, Levator labii fuperioris akeque nafi. H, Levator labiorum communis, I, Zygomaticus minor. K, Zygomaticus major. L, Maffeter. M, Orbicularis labiorum. N, DeprelTor labii inferioris. O, Depreffor labiorum communis. P, Buccinator. tyfma myoides. R R, Sterno-cleido maitoidaeus. S, Superior Part of theExtremity.—U, trapezius. T, PartDeltoides. of the fcaleni. V, Pectoralis major. W, Part of the latiffimus dorh. X X, Biceps flexor cubiti. Y Y, Part of the brachiseus externus. Z Z, The beginning of the tendinous aponeurofis, (from the biceps) which is fpread over the mufcles of the fore-arm. a a. Its • ftrong tendon inferted into the tubercle, of the radius, b b. Part of the brachiaeus internus. c, Pronator teres. d, Flexor carpi radialis. e, Part of the flexor carpi ulnaris. f, Palmaris longus. g, Aponeurofis palmaris. 3, Palmaris brevis. 1, Ligamentum carpi annulare. 2 2, Abdudlor minimi digiti. h. Supinator longus. i. The tendons - of the three extenfors of the thumb, k, Abduftor pollicis. 1, Flexor pollicis longus. m m, The tendons of the flexores digitorum communi.—The (heaths are entire in the right hand,—in the left cut open, to (hew the tendons of the flexor profundus perforating the fublimis. Muscles not referred to—in the left fuperior extremity.—n, Pedtoralis minor, feu ferratus anticus minor. o. The two heads of (x x) the biceps, p, Coraco-brachialis. q q, The long head of the triceps extenfor cubiti. r r, Teres major, f f, Subfcapularis. t t, Extenfores radiales. u, Supinator brevis, v, The cut extremity of the pronator teres, w, Fler xor digitorum fublimis. x, Part of the flexor profundus. y, Flexor pollicis longus. z, Part of the flexor pollicis brevis. 4, Abdu&or minimi digiti. 5, The four lumbricales. Trunk.— 6, Serrated extremities of the ferratus anticus major. 7 7, Obliquus externus abdominis. 8 8, The linea alba. 9, The umbilicus. 10, Pyramidalis. 11 n> The fpermatic cord. On the left fide, it is covered by the cremafter. 12 12, Rectus abdominis. 13, Obliquus internus. 1414, Intercollal mufcles. Inferior Extremities.—a p, The gracilis.

Parts of the triceps, c c, Peftineus. d d, Pfoas magnus. e e, iliacus internus. f. Part of the glutaeusmedius. g. Part of the glutteus minimus, h, Cut extremity of the redus cruris, i i, Vaflus externus. k. Tendon of the re&us cruris. / /, Vaftus internus.

  • Sartorius mufcle. * * Flefliy origin of the tenfor

vaginse femoris or membranofus. Its tendinous aponeurofis covers (/'), the vaflus externus in the right-fide. m m, Patella. » n, Ligament or tendon from it to the tibia. 0, Redus cruris, p, Crureus. q q, The tibia, r r, Part of the gemellus or gaflrocnemius externus. fff Part of the foleus or gaflrocnemius internus. t, Tibialis antieus. u, Tibialis poflicus. r; tv Peronaei mufcles. <tu w, Extenfor digitorum longus communis. x x, Extenfor poliicis longus. p, Abdudor pollicis. Fig 2. The Muscles, Glands, <&c. of the left fide of the face and neck, after the common teguments and platyfma myoides have been taken gff. a,‘The frontal mufcle. b, Temporalis and temporal artery. c, Orbicularis palpebrarum, d, Levator labii fuperioris proprius. e. Levator labiorum communis. f, Zygomaticus. g, Depreffor labii inferioris proprius. h, Depreflbr labiorum communis. ‘ i. Buccinator. k, Mafleter. 1 1, Parotid gland, m. Its dud. n, Sterno-cleido maftdides. o, Part of the trapezius, p, Sterno-hyoidasus. . q, Sterno-thyroidaeus. r, Omo-hyoidaeus f, Levator fcapulae. tt, Scaleni. p, Part of the fplenius. FiG. 3.. The Mus cles of the face and neck, in view after the exterior ones are taken away. a a, Corrugator fuperciliorum. b, Temporalis, c, Tendon of the levator palpebrae fuperions. d, Tendon of the orbicularis palpebrarum, e, Mafleter. f, Buccinator. g, Levator labiorum communis, h, Depreflbr labii fuperioris proprius. i, Sphinder oris, k, Depreflbr labiorum communis. 1, Mufcles of the os hyoides. m, Sterno-cleido maftoideus. Fig. 4. Some of the Muscles of the os hyoides, and fubmaxillary gland. a. Part of the mafleter mufcle. b, Pofterior head of the digraftic. c, Its anterior head, d d, Sternohyoidasus. e, Omo-hyoidaeus. f, Stylo-hyoidaeus. g, Submaxillary gland in fitu. Fig. 5. The fubmaxillary gland and dud. a, Mufculus mylo-hyoidaeus. b, Hyo-gloflus. c, fubraaxillary gland extra fitu. d. Its dud. E X P L A-