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XXX (679) XXX

B R I ( ^79 ) B R I of cats are alfo fometimes called briBRILL, or Briel, the capital of the iflafid of Voorn, ftlesThe; aswhifkers are the quills of the porcupine. in Holland, lituated0 about twelve miles 0 fouth of the BRISTOL, a city and port-town of England, fitnated" Hague; E, long. , and N.fenfe, lat. 51fomething jo'. that has partly in Gloucefterfhire, and partly in Somerfetfhire ; 0 BRILLIANT, in a4 general W. long. 2 40', andN. lat. 5*° go'. a lucid and bright appearance. (lands on the river Avon, about ninety miles weft Brilliant, in the menage, a brilk, high-mettled, of ItLondon, and is a town of the greateft foreign trade llately horfe, is called brilliant, as having a rai ed of any in Britain next to London. It is alfo a bifhop’s neck, a fine motion, excellent haunches, upon which fee, fends two members to parliament, and gives the he rifes, though never fo little put on. title of earl to the noble family of Harvey. BRIM denotes the utmoft verge or edge, efpecially of New Bristol, the capital of the county of Bucks, in round things. about twenty miles north of Philadelphia. Brim, in country affairs. A fow is faid to brim, or to Penfilvania, It is fituated on the river Delawar, in 750 W. long, go to brim, when fhe is ready to take boar. and 40° 45' N. lat. BRIMSTONE. See Sulphur, and Chemistry. Bristol wa/r’r. Thefe waters are the fourth in deBrimstone-w^/p. See Marble. gree amongft the waters which are efteemed warm. BRIN, a city of Moravia, dependent on Bohemia, a-0 The waters of Bath are the firft, Buxton the fecond,. bout thirty miles fouth-weft of Olmutz : E. long. 16 and Matlock 0 the third. 20, and N. lat. 49 40 . waters are beneficial, when the fecietions from' BRINDISI, a port-town of the kingdom of Naples, fi- theBath blood are diminifhed ; Briftol, when too much intuated on the gulph of Venice, about0 thirty-five miles creafed: / Bath attenuates powerfully; Briftol incrafnorth-weft of Otranto; E. long. 1S 45 , andN. lat. fates : Bath is fpirituous, and helps defe&s; Briftol 400 40/. BRINE, water replete with faline particles ; or pickle. is more cooling, and fiipprefles plentitude, with its Brine-w«/ct, a fait water, which being boiled, turns confequences, inflammations and haemorrhages. * If we may judge of the contents of Briftol waters, into fait. Brine taken out of brine-pits, or brine-pans, ufed from their effefts, which are exceedingly deterfive and by fome for curing or pickling of fifh, without boiling healing ; they partake chiefly of chalk, lapis calcarius, the fame into fait, and rock-Ialt without refining it in- and calaminaris, the virtues of which are too dry to cleanfe*r they fill ulcers with flefli, and cicatrize them. to white-falt, are prohibited by 1 Anne, cap. xxi. But whatever the fubftances are that impregnate BRINGING-IN a borfe, in the menage, the fame as to fay, keep down the nofe of a horfe that boars, and them, it is plain they are very fubtile, and that there toffes his nofe in the wind; this is done by means of a is but little of a terreftrial part in them, from their good branch. See Banquet, and Wind. fpecific lightnefs above other waters: Yet when we BRION, an ifland of North America, in the gulph of confider how agreeable to the fight,, fmell and tafte ; how clear, pure and foft they are ; their gentle degree St Lawrence. BRIONES, a fmall town of Old Caftile, in Spain, fi- of heat, fo adapted to fundry difeafes ; it muft be contuated on the river Ebro. cluded, that thofe waters do imbibe fome falutary parBRIONI, the name of three iftands in the Adriatic fea, ticles in their paffage through the earth; and, from: upon the weftern coaft of Iftria. They belong to the. the many cures yearly wrought by them, that they Republic of Venice. have an undoubted tittle to a place in the firft-clafs of BRlONNE, a town of Normandy, in France, fituated medicinal waters. on the Rill, about ten leagues from Rouen. The difeafes in which Briftol waters are properly BRISAC, a fortified town of Swabia, in Germany, fi- prefcribed, are internal haemorrhages and inflammatuated on the eaftern fhore of the river Rhine, tions, blood-fpitting, dyfentery, and immoderate flux 0 7about thirty miles north of Stralburg; E. long. 7 ij , and of the menfes, purulent ulcers of the vifcera : Hence,, N. lat. 48° io'. in confumptions, the dropfy, fcurvy with heat, (lone, New Brisac, a fortrefs on the weftern fhore of the gravel, ftrangury.; the habitual gout, fcorbutic rheuRhine, oppofite to Old Brifac. It is fituated in Al- matifm, diabetes, flow- fevers, atrophy, pox, cancer, face, and belongs to the French. in both fexes, king’s evil, <&c.; in all thefe diforBRISGOW, a territory of the circle of Swabia, in gleets Bath waters are not only improper, but hurtful; Germany, fituated on the eaft fide of the Rhine, op- ders, they roufe languid, and quicken the too lazy pofite to the Upper Alface, whereof Fribourg and Brir circulation ;thetheytooallay the heat, and reftrain the too fac are the chief towns. rapid motion of the blood. Thofe impregnate the BRISTLE, a rigid glofty kind of hair, found on fwine, phlegmatic, thefe attemperate the choleric conftitution. and much ufed by brufhmakers, &c. Bath water feems to be adapted to the maladies of the ftomacb, guts, and nerves; Briftol, to thofe of the: 2 3Bnftles, rough and undrefled, pay a^ duty of 1 s. kidneys, and bladder : Again, Bath waters are t oVLon the dozen pound, s. -^5briftles d, is drawn back exporting them ; whereof whereas 1dreffed pay lungs, variance with a milk courfe ; and the Briftol can a duty of 2 s. 4T^d. the dozen pound, whereof a s- atnever be judicioufly direfted, but when they may be; is drawn back on exportation.. joined with reafoh and fuccefs. The.