Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/288

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during Bacon's rebellion was captain of Sir John W'oddrop, of Xansemond, a prominent William Berkeley's body guard. He had merchant.

a son William, whose only daughter married Colonel William :\Iacon ; a daughter Mary, who married (ieorge Marable, and a son John, whose daughter Elizabeth married Richard Cocke.

Harwood, Colonel Edward, son of Colonel

Harwood, William, son of Humphrey Harwood, and grandson of Captain Thomas Harwood, of the council of state, resided in Warwick county; was major of the War- wick militia and burgess for the county in the assemblies of 1712-1714 and 1727-1734; William Harwood (q. v.), was a justice for died by a fall from his horse June 2, 1737;

Warwick county in 1770; member of the house of delegates, 1780; county lieutenant of Warwick in 1788. etc.

Harwood, Humphrey, son of Captain 'I homas Harwood, was captain and major; burgess for W^arwick county in 1685 and [(■92; father of William Harwood (q. v.).

Harwood, Joseph, was a burgess for Charles City county in 1715, probably a son of Joseph Harwood. who patented land in the county in 1665.

Harwood, Samuel, son of Joseph 1 lar- uood. who i)atented lands in Charles City county in 1665 ; was burgess for Charles City county in 1710-1712. He married Tem- perance Cocke, daughter of Captain Thomas Cocke Sr.. of Henrico, and was father of Samuel Harwood (q. v.).

Harwood, Samuel, Jr., son of Samuel II ar- wockI and Temperance Cocke, his wife, was Inirgess for Charles City county in 1720- 1723. His will was proved by his widow, Agnes, in 1745, father of Major Samuel Har- wood fq. v.).

Harwood, Major Samuel, of Wevanoke.

father of William county ((]. \-.).

larwood, of Warwick

Harwood, William, son of William Har- wood, of Warwick ccjunty, was colonel of the Warwick militia and represented that county in the general assembly from 1742 to 1775. and in the famous convention of 1776 tliat declared for state independence. He was father of Colonel Edw^ard Harwood, long a member of the house of delegates.

Hatcher, William, was born in 1614, and was a member of the house of burgesses for Henrico county in 1644. 1645, 1646, 1649, 1652. 1654 and 1659. For speaking dis- respectfully of the s})eaker of the house, he was censured by the house in 1654. His temper got him into trouble again during Bacon's rebellion, with which he was doubt- less a sympathizer, lie was heavily fined. He died not long after.

Haviland, Anthony, an active promoter of the rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon, Jr He resided in that part of Charles City county now known as Prince George county. He was the author of the first proclamation issued by Bacon. His wife, "an excellent

son of Samuel Harwood Jr., was a member divulger of news," w^ent up and down the of the convention of 1776; died in 1778. country carrying Bacon's manifestoes. Havi- Married Margaret Woddrop, daughter of land was fined for his part in the rebellion