Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/301

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ol" Wight. i<\SO. '111(1 March. ir)42-i()43. lie made his will in Islr i»f W'i^jhl countw Aug-ust if\ i')4().

Jones, Cadwallader, son of Richard Jones, merchant of London, was lieutenant-colo- nel in the StatYord militia in i^)S(). lie ear- ned on a trade with the Indians and was living in i()g<). He wrote an essay on the Indian trade, with a MS. map or plat of I.otiisiana.

Jones, Rev. Emmanuel, was licensed for \'irginia Ma}- 28, 1700. He was son of John Jones, of Anglesea, Wales. He was born in 1688. matriculated at Oriel College. Ox- ford, April 26. 1687, and took his B. A. de- gree March 3. 1692. He was minister of Petsworth parish. (Gloucester county, \'ir- ginia from 1700 till his death January 29. 1739. leaving sons Emmanuel Jones, Jr.. and Richard Jones.

Jones, Emmanuel, Jr., son of Rev. Em- manuel Jones, was a student of William and Mary College and usher of the grammar school. In 1755 he was made master of the Indian sch(K)l at the college and held that ])osition till 1777. w^hen he resigned. He ap- pears to have been afterwards minister of St. Bride's parish. Norfolk count}-. I le mar- ried Miss Macon, of Xew Kent, and had Emmanuel Macon Jones, of Essex.

Jones, Gabriel, was the son of John and Elizabeth Jones, emigrants to Virginia frc^m Montgomery county. North \\'ales. He was born ^lo.y 17. 1724. near \\illiamsburg. In April. 1732. his family being at that time in England, he was admitted as a scholar of the "Blue Coat School," Christ's Hospital. L.ondon. where he remained seven years. He was then apprenticed for six years to

Mr. John Houghton, solicitor in the high court of chancery. Returning to X'irginia. he li\ed for a time near Kernstown, I-"red- erick comity. In 174^), when only twenty- two, he was appointed prosecuting attorney iur August county. On October 16, I749> he married Margaret, widow of George Morton, and daughter of William Strother o!" King (ieorge. He was burgess from Erederick county in the assembly of 1748- 1749. from Augusta count}- in the assembl}- o* J75'>-i758. from Hampshire in the assem- bly of 1 758- 1 761, and from Augusta again in the assemblies of May, 17C9, and 1769- 1771. When Rockingham county was con- stituted in 1777, he became a citizen of that count} and its prosecuting attorney. He v/as a member of the state convention of 1788. and died in October, 1806.

Jones, Rev. Hugh, came to X'irginia from I'^ngland in 1716. and was aj^pointed mathe- matical professor in William and Mar}- Col- lege. He preached at Jamestown and .served as chaplain of the general assembly and lecturer in Bruton church. Williams- Imrg. He left the i)ro\-ince for England in 1722. and in 1724 brought out his "Present State of Virginia." He returned to \^ir- ginia and resumed his work in St. Stephen's l)arish. King and Queen county. Not long afterwards he went to Maryland where he ser\ ed in various parishes. He died Sep- tember 8. 1760. In his will he expressed his desire to be buried with his feet to the westward, contrary to the usual mode of l)urial. "He wanted," he said, "to be facing his people as they rose from their graves. He was not ashamed of them."

Jones, John, son of Peter Jones, founder of Petersburg, was a member of the county