Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/303

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pastor of Brulou parish. Williamsburg, X'irgiuia, in 1674, and after a service of four- teen years died April 23, 1688, and was buried in Williamsburg.

Jones, Thomas, son uf Captain Roger Jones, was a man of large estate and had extensive commercial transactions. He patented large bodies of land, and was a colonel of the militia in King William county. He married Eebruary 14, 1725, l-'lizabeth Pratt, widow of William Pratt, and eldest daughter of Dr. William Cocke, formerly secretary of state.

Jones, William, member of a prominent family in Northumberland county, was burgess for that county in 1692-1693. He was a son of Air. Robert Jones, of "Fleet's Pay," who died in 1675, leaving sons Sam- uel, Robert. Maurice and William, and a brother John Jones.

Jones, William, was a burgess for Nor- thampton county in 1659; a prominent jus- tice of the peace.

Jones, Wood, brother of Peter Jones, the founder of Petersburg, w^as a member of the house of burgesses for Amelia county in 1752.

Jordan, Colonel George, came to Virginia in 1635 ^^^ resided in Surry county, near "Four Mile Tree," on James river. He was a justice of Surry in 1652, and for many years later; burgess in 1659, 1674 and 1676; attorney general of the colony from 1670 to 1678, when he died. In 1673, Surry court gave him a certificate for the importation of thirty-eight persons into the colony, among whom were Air. William Jordan, Mrs. Ann Jordan, his wife, Mr. John Cary, Mr. Robert Lee, etc. He left no issue, but his brother,

Arthur Jordan, is numerously ret)resented through descendants.

Jordan, John, was burgess for Westmore- land county in iCy~)$-i(yg6. He came from Maryland and married Dorcas, widow of Patrick Spence. His stepdaughter, Elinor Spence. married .Xndrew Monroe, ancestor of President James Monroe.

Jordan, Richard, was burgess for Isle of Wight county in 1676. He left a son John, whose son John of Newport parish. Isle of Wight count}', made a deed al)out 1730. The family were Quakers.

Jordan, Samuel, settled on James river at an early date and called his place "Jor- dan's Jorney." He represented the planta- tion' in the first assembly 1619. In the massacre of 1622 he successfully fought ofif the Indians. He died in 1623, and his widow Cecilly married William Ferrar, of the council of state, after a flirtation with the minister of the parish, (ireville Pooley. was taken notice of by the council in a solemn proclamation.

Jordan, Samuel, was justice of the peace for Albemarle county, 1746-1761 ; captain. 1753; sherilT, 1753-1775; county lieutenant of the new county of Buckingham in 1761. and burgess of P.uckingham, 1766-1769. During the revt^lution he served as colo- nel of the county militia and was com- missioner for the carting of cannon in Buckingham. He married Ruth Meredith, daughter of Colonel Samuel Meredith, of Flanover. His daughter Margaret married Colonel William Cabell.

Jordan, Thomas, was born in 1600 and was living in Virginia in 1624; burgess for Warrosqueake, Isle of Wight, 1629, 163 1,