Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/411

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Robert, 190
Robert, Jr., 190
Bonall, James, 190
Bond, Maj. John, 190
Booker, Edmund, 190
Edward, 190
Richard, 190
Booth, Robert, 190
Thomas, 191
Borden (Burden), Benjamin,
Boucher, Daniel, 191
Bouldin, Thomas, 191
Bourne (Borne), Capt. Robert, 191
Boush, Maximillian, 191
Samuel, 191
Samuel, Jr., 191
Bowden, William, 191
Bowdoin, Peter, 191
Bowker, Rev. James, 192
Rev. Ralph, 192
Bowler, Thomas, 133
Bowyer, John, 191
Boyse, Cheney, 191
John, 192
Luke, 192
Bradley, Thomas, 192
William, 192
Branch, Christopher, 192
John, 192
Brasseur, John, 192
Braxton, George, 192
Bray, David, 155
James, 131
James, 193
Robert, 193
Breman, Thomas, 193
Brent, George, 193
Giles, 193
Giles, 193
Margaret, 194
William, 194
Brereton, Thomas, 194
Brewer, John, 102
John, 194
Brewster, Edward, 194
Richard, 194
Brewster (Brewer), Thomas,
Bridger, James, 195
Joseph, 130
Col. Joseph, 195
Samuel, 195
Col. William, 195
Bridges, Charles, 195
Briggs, Gray, 195
Bristow, Robert, 195
Broadwater, Charles, 196
Brocas, William, 105
Brockenbrough, Col Austin, 196
Dr. John, 196
Brodhurst, Walter, 196
Brodnax, Edward, 196
Maj. John, 196
William, 196
Bronaugh, William, 196
Brooke, George, 196
Brown, Charles, 197
Dr. John, 197
Browne, Devereaux, 197
Henry, 104
Henry, 197
John, 197
William, 197
William B., 197
Capt. William, 197
Browning, John, 197
Bruce, George, 197
Bryan, Dr. Richard, 198
Buck, Rev. Richard, 198
Buckner, John, 198
John, 198
John, 198
Richard, 198
Richard, 198
Samuel, 198
Thomas, 198
William, 198
Bugg, Samuel, 199
Builock, Hugh, 102
William, 199
Burgess, Thomas, 199
Burnham, John, 199
Rowland, 199
Burnley, Zachariah, 199
Burrows, Benoni, 199
John, 199
Burrows (Burroughs), Christopher, 199
Burwell, Armistead, 199
James, 199
Lewis, 64
Lewis, 147
Lewis, 157
Lewis, 200
Nathaniel, 200
Robert C, 164
Bush, John, 200
Bushrod, John, 200
Thomas, 200
Butler, Capt. Nathaniel, 201
Rev. Thomas, 201
William, 201
Butt, Thomas, 201
Byrd, William, 151
William, Sr., 138
William (3rd), 161
Cabell, John, 201
Joseph, 201
Dr. William, 201
William, Jr., 202
Cabot, John, 7
Sebastian, 7
Callaway, James, 202
William, 202
Callicut, William, 202
Calthorpe, Col. Christopher,
Calvert, Cornelius, 202
Cornelius, 202
Camm, John, 165
Campbell, Andrew, 203
Archibald, 203
Colin, 203
Hugh, 203
John, 67
Cant, Maj. David, 203
John, 203
Capps, William, 98
Cargill, John, 203
Carlyle, John, 203
Carpenter, Nathaniel, 203
Carr, Thomas, 204
Carrington, George, 204
Paul, 204
Carter, Charles, 204
Col. Charles, 204
Edward, 125
Edward, 204
John, 153
John, Sr., 122
Robert, 60
Robert, 147
Robert, Jr., 160
Robert W., 205
Thomas, 205
Carver, Capt. William, 205