Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/354

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October 13, 1846. She married T. Frank Hunter, of Washington. D. C., and has a son, Robert W. Hunter, living in Washing- ton, D. C.

Richard Baylor Tunstall, second son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born July I, 1848. His boyhood was spent in Nor- folk where he obtained his early and pre- ])aratory education in the schools taught by Rev. Robert Gatewood and William R. Gait, the latter then principal of Norfolk Academy. In 1864 he entered Virginia Military Institute, and although not sixteen years of age marched away with those boy- ish heroes of the Cadet Battalion, and fought under General Breckinridge at the battle of Newmarket, in May, 1864. He continued at the institute until April, 1865, entering the University of Virginia in the fall of that year. He pursued the full classical course and was graduated Master of Arts, class of 1868. He taught school the following year at Norwood, Nelson county. Virginia, but a year later entered the law department of the University of Virginia, and under the great instructors. John B. Minor and S. O. Suutliall, prepared for the profession he has since adorned. He was graduated Bachelor of Laws in 1870. and at once began practice in Norfolk, but a year later moved to New York City, where from November, 1871, until 1883, he was an active member of the firm of Kaufman, Tunstall & Wagner, and later of Grimball & Tunstall. In 1883 he returned to Norfolk, where he formed a law partnership with his brother-in-law, Alfred P. Thom, continuing in practice as Tunstall iK: Thom for seventeen years. On January 1. 1900. the firm was reorganized, \\'illiam 11. White being admitted, the new firm practicing as White, Tunstall & Thom, until 1907, when Mr. Tunstall retired.

He is like his sires, a devout churchman, and like his honored father, has been for many years a vestryman of St. Paul's Church. He has some business interests that are not burdensome, including direc- torates in the Norfolk Railway and Light Company and the City Gas Company. His youthful military experience entitles him to be classed as a "veteran." A lifelong Demo- crat. Mr. lunstall has never wavered in party allegiance, but folU)wed the gold fac- tion of his party, he rejected the regular convention nominee. W. J. Bryan, and sup- ported the Palmer-Buckner ticket, accept-

ing the nomination for presidential elector on that ticket. In 1904 he was a delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held at St. Louis.

He married, December 18. 1878, Isabel Mercein Heiser. of New York City. Chil- dren : I. Robert Baylor, born February 9, 1880; has received the degree of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the Uni- versity of Virginia ; now practicing his pro- fession in Norfolk, Virginia. 2. Rosalie, born February 13, 1882, died March 10, 1885. 3. Richard, born April 5, 1885, died May. 1887. 4. Lola, born 1889, died 1892. 5. Cuthbert. born November 29, 1892, now a student of medicine at the U^niversity of Virginia.

Robert Williamson Tunstall, third son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in Norfolk. Virginia. December 18, 1851. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, 1874, and was for four years, 1874-78. private sec- retary to Andrew Reid, of Baltimore. From 1878 to 1882 he taught in various schools in the south, and from 1882 to 1900 was princi- pal of Norfolk Academy. From 1900 he has been professor of Latin and Greek at Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Mary- land, and since 1905 also assistant director. He is an accomplished scholar and in 1899 published "Cicero's Orations" for school use. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, an Episcopalian in religion, and a Democrat in politics. He married. Sep- tember 3, 1901. Isabel McRoberts. of Wash- ington. D. C.

William Brooke Tunstall, youngest and seventh child of Dr. Robert Baylor Tun- stall. was born in Norfolk. Virginia, Janu- ary 9. 1856. He was educated at the school of' Mr. \V. R. Gair. and Norwood School. Nelson county, and at the University of Virginia, and is a merchant of the city of Baltimore, Maryland. He married Nellie Turner, and iias children : Robertson Taylor, William Brooke Jr.. and Eleanor.

Lester Linwood Schwab, M. D. The study of biography yields to no other in point of interest and' profit. It tells of the success and defeat of men. the dillficulties they have met and overcome, and gives us an insight into the methods and plans which they have followed to achieve well-merited reward and fame. The family of which Dr. Lester Lin-