Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu/511

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Accepted Masons, a companion of Culpeper Chapter. No. 59, Royal Arch Masons, and enjoys the highest esteem of his Masonic brethren. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and in politics is a Demo- crat. His club is the Catalpa of Culpeper, and he holds membership in the different social societies of his town.

Mr. Roberts married. June 5, 1895, Minnie Boggs, daughter of Julian and Margaret (Boggs) Anderson, of Franklin, West Vir- ginia. Children : Margaret Anderson and Lucy Chapman.

David Embrey Croushorn. Although born and educated in Augusta covinty, Vir- ginia, Mr. Croushorn has held official posi- tion in Rockingham county, Virginia, for the past six years, in fact his adult years have been largely spent in the latter county. He is a grandson of David B. Croushorn, a veteran soldier of the Confederacy, and a nephew of David M. Byerly, who also served in the Confederate army. His mater- nal grandfather, Benjamin Byerly, of Au- gusta county. Virginia, was born in 1802, died in 18S6. Howard Vanlear Croushorn, son of David B. Croushorn, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, in 1849, mar- ried Mattie Ann Byerly and had three sons: David E., of further mention ; Benjamin Glenn, a farmer : \\'orth W'hitmore, now en. gaged in the lumber business in North Carolina.

David Embrey Croushorn. eldest son of Ploward Vanlear and Mattie Ann (Byerly) Croushorn, was born in Augusta county. Virginia. July 10. 1881. He attended public schools in Augusta county until seventeen years of age, finishing his school years in the military school at P.lackstone. Virginia. In 1908 he was appointed deputy sheriff of Rockingham, serving from January i of that year until January 26. 1914, when he was appointed sheriff:' of the county, to fill out the unexpired term of his predecessor. His record as a public official has been clean and creditable, his administration of the sheriff's office meeting with the approval of all having business with that department of county government. Mr. Croushorn has served for two 3'ears in the Virginia Na- tional Guard. Company H, Seventy-second Regiment, that company being located at Harrisonburg. He is a member of Valley Lodge. No. 40. Independent Order of Odd

Fellows, and the Royal Arcanum, a com- municant of the Presbyterian church of Harrisonburg, and in political faith is a Democrat.

He married, September 27, 1904, Fannie Elizabeth Hammen, born at McGaheysville, Virginia, daughter of Joseph A. and Dora V. ( Argabridght) Hammen. Child. Frank Howard, born in Harrisonburg, Virginia, the county seat of Rockingham county, September 30, 1907.

Leighton Hartwell Peebles. Leighton Hartwell Peebles, is descended from ances- tors who participated in the colonial, revo- lutionary and Civil wars, and have been noted for their patriotism and fidelity. His great-great-grandfather, Joseph Peebles, was a resident of Sussex county, Virginia, and captain of a company during the revo- lutionary war. He was the father of Hart- well Peebles, who married a Miss Heath and lived in Sussex. Their son William niarried Jane Harrison, daughter of Rob- ert Harrison, who owned large estates on the James river. They lived at Rose Cot- tage, Prince George county, Virginia, on the James river. Their children were : John H. Peebles, of Nashville, Tennessee, superin- tendent of the Nashville. Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad ; Julian R. Peebles, of Nelson county. Virginia, three years a Confederate soldier, now deceased ; Hartwell Peebles, killed in a skirmish near Richmond, Vir- ginia, while a soldier of the Confederate army: Emma Peebles, who married J. H. Blanton, of Tennessee, and William Lemuel Peebles, mentioned below.

William Lemuel Peebles was born at Rose Cottage, and now resides in Dinwiddle county. Virginia, near Petersburg, where he is engaged in farming. He was a member of the Twelfth Virginia Regiment of the Confederate army, and subsequently served in a cavalry regiment, his service extending through the entire period of the Civil war. He was in General Longstreet's division at the battle of Gettysburg. He received three wounds during the four years, in the shoulder, scalp and hand. He married, about 1880, Annie Leighton Bradbury, born September 7, 1856, in Petersburg. Virginia, descended from Captain William Leighton, who was born about 1625, in England, and settled in Kittery, Maine, about 1650. He was a shipmaster, and may have made