Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu/82

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sided, continuing in professional labors. While his present practice is general in nature, Dr. Harrell has directed special study upon diseases of the stomach and in- testines, and is regarded by his fellow phy- sicians as an authority upon subjects com- ing under that head. He is a gentleman of principle and honor, a learned and able doc- tor, and both socially and professionally has high standing in Suffolk. For three years he was city physician of Suffolk, and is a member of the American Medical Asso- ciation and the Nansemond County, the Seaboard, the South Side Virginia, and the State Medical Societies. His fraternal orders are the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Masonic, his lodge in the latter organization Suffolk, No. 30. He is, like his father, a member of the Christian church. Dr. David Lemuel Harrell married, in 1895, Mattie Gertrude Wilkins, daughter of Josiah Wilkins, and has children : Edgar Marion, born in 1896; Evelyn, born in 1898; Cecil, born in 1900 ; Lillian, born in 1901 ; David Lemuel, Jr., born in 1903 ; and Joshua Bertram, born in 1905.

August Ellwanger. John Jacob Ellwan- ger, father of August Ellwanger, of Dan- ville, \'irginia, was born and educated in Wittemberg, Germany, and there learned the carpenters' trade. After serving his full years of duty in the German army, he came to the United States, in 1861, locating at Danville, Virginia, serving in the Confed- erate army during the closing year of the war. He worked at his trade and operated a saw. mill after the war, in Mecklenburg county, moving in 1871 to Pittsylvania county, Virginia. He married, and had chil- dren : Christopher Frederick ; Jacob F. ; Mary, married D. F. Fayman ; August, of further mention: William; Annie, married W. A. Roody ; John, died during the civil war.

August Ellwanger was born in Keesville, Mecklenburg county, Virginia, February 23, 1868. When he was three years of age his parents moved to Pittsylvania county, where he attended school and worked with his father at the saw mill until he was fifteen years of age. He then spent three years in Roanoke, Virginia, learning the machinists' trade,_ and gaining a good knowledge of machinery. At the age of nineteen years, he located at Danville, where he obtained

a position with the city, taking charge of the electric light plant. This position he held for some time, becoming an expert electrician. He then engaged in the sport- ing goods business in Danville, as a partner in the firm of L. C. Clarke & Company, con- tinuing until 1904. He then established as an electrical contractor at 345 Main street, Danville, a business that has developed into the present firm of .\. Ellwanger & Com- pany, taking in W. \\'. Stanfield as partner in 1912. The firm has a well located store, in which a full line of electrical supplies is carried, but their main business is electrical contracting, and the installation of lighting, heating plants, and all forms of electric machinery for factories, public buildings and residences. Mr. Ellwanger with his twenty-five years' experience in electrical lines, is thoroughly practical, while his part- ner was in his employ several years before being awarded an interest in the business. Mr. Ellwanger has prospered through abil- ity and straightforward business methods, having won the confidence and respect of his community by upright dealings and the mechanical al)ility and facilities to promptly and faithfully execute his contracts. His business increases each year along with the development of the city, with whose inter- ests he is so closely identified. He is connected with other Danville activities, as a stock- holder, but personally devotes his entire time to his own business. He is a Demo- crat in politics, and for twelve years has been a member of Danville city council, serving through successive re-elections. He is a member ol the Masonic order, the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Loyal Order of Moose, the Commercial Association, and the Tuscarora Club. In religiotis faith he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, belong to Cabell Street congregation.

]\Ir. Ellwanger married, in Danville, Oc- tober 9, 1889, Lucy Frances, born there ; daughter of William and Parthenia Eliza- beth Scroggs, the former deceased, the lat- ter now residing with her daughter Lticy I'rances.

David Baker Ames. The Ames family of \'irginia and the South springs from the same ancestry as the Ames family of East- ern Massachusetts. The line is traced in England to John Ames, who was buried in