Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/127

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EXJSSIA's military STEENGTH in central ASIA. 107 receive twenty thousand more from Europe, and an adequate supply of artillery, within six months of the decision to adopt that extreme measure. But either of these proposals could only be consummated at a lavish outlay of money, and for that expenditure neither the Russian Government nor people is prepared. No minister would dare to recommend its being sanctioned, and therefore Russia will do nothing at present in Turkestan that would require to be backed up by a large display of force. The railway to Orsk and beyond will be prosecuted so far and so rapidly as is possible ; but if foreign capital and sympathy hold aloof from the scheme, its execution must be both slow and uncertain. To General Kaufmann himself carte Uanche may be given to do that which he can on his own resources, and by the aid of such small bodies of troops as can conveniently be spared from Orenburg. With those means he possesses a sufficient force to take Merv, or Balkh, to advance on Faizabad in Badakshan, or to seize Wakhan and the approaches to Baroghil. And if each one of those acts were not sure to be the prelude to the great contest of all between England and Russia, he would carry one or all of them out to-morrow. There are great differences of opinion among military men as to what is the best strength for an army destined to effect, not so much the conquest of India, as the overthrow of our empire therein by a successful campaign in the Punjab. Many hold that it should not exceed thirty thousand men, and if such were the case Russia has almost the necessary force.