Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/221

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stages of the negotiations, or than Sir John M Niell during the later. The fault was rather on the part of the Home authorities, who realized neither the importance of Persian affairs in general nor of the Herat question in particular. We concealed our hand up to the last moment, and our representative, left without instructions, was out-bid by the Russian envoy, whose promises and threats were uttered officially and in full accordance with his instructions from Count Nesselrode. When at last Sir John MNiell received during the progress of the siege of Herat authority to present to the Shah what may most accurately be described as an ultimatum, it was too late. Although Herat still held out, the Shah refused to accede to the demands made upon him by the English Minister, and several acts of discourtesy were added to render the refusal more offensive. Our Minister was withdrawn, and an expeditionary force established itself in the Persian Gulf upon the island of Kharrack. But the real settlement of the rivalry in Persia between England and Russia was on this occasion effected before the walls of Herat, when the resolution and courage of Eldred Pottinger foiled the machinations that had been for so many years in course of preparation to the detriment of his country. But the intrigues of Simonitch in Persia were only one part of the scheme that had been formed by Russian statesmen and adventurers against England. In those days England had identified herself with the Sudosye cause in Afghanistan in more than one respect. She had given sanctuary to Shujaul Mulk,