Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/231

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be said to have already begun. Before entering upon the consideration of any of the numerous topics suggested by the aspect of political affairs, it will be instructive to consider the past history and present condition of these tribes. When the Persian province of Khorasan extended to Merv the Turcomans were Persian subjects, when the Khan of Khwaresm was strong they were Khivan ; but at all other times they have been independent. They themselves trace their origin back to the Mongols, and D'Herbelot states, on the authority of Mirkhond, that they look upon Oghuz Khan, grandson of Moghul Khan, as their great ancestor. A more recent authority says that the Turcomans are the Grhuz of Oriental history, who crossed the Oxus with the Seljukians about the year 1030. These continued to be for two centuries the dominant Turk tribe of Western Asia. Colonies of these Turcoman Grhuz, as they are called by contemporary historians, are still to be found in Persia, Anatolia, and Syria, the descendants probably of the original settlers. The main body has always held the country between the Oxus and the Caspian, that is to say, Turcomania. From the earliest times it had been their custom to break into Persia or the countries of the Oxus at any moment of internal anarchy, and the havoc they thus wrought has been untold. Timour inflicted severe punishment upon them, and for a time they were more disposed to follow a peaceful career. Although claiming a Mongol origin their resemblance to the Turks earned them the name of Turcoman, which means " resembling (mdnind) the 14 *