Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/99

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THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT IN TURKESTAN. 79 religious and educational matters as is too confidently expected. By taking over the estates and endowments of the 7nadrassees, and by appointing European super- visors — Grermans would be the best — Russia could secure a control over the people, that she has not at present, at the same time thab she gave an impetus to education and learning in Asia. But it will be many years before such a scheme is undertaken. For once it came into operation the State would have to carry out in Russia itself some larger scheme of public instruction than at present exists, as otherwise the Russian would rapidly sink behind his Asiatic felloAV- subject in point of education and knowledge. Impro- bable as it is, therefore, that Russia will for many years to come take any step in this direction, it may be confidently asserted that until it has been made Russia can lay no claims to having carried out that " civilising mission" which has so often been declared to be her peculiar duty in Central Asia. The Russians have, however; performed one useful service for their subjects. They have given them tranquillity ; and with tranquillity must come in the course of years an increase in material wealth and welfare. North of the Zarafshan range there is peace ; and order prevails in all the cities, and among the Kirghiz on the steppe. The example has been in- fectious in Bokhara and Khiva, which are practically Russian provinces ; and it is only among the Turco- mans that something like the old condition of things exists. This is due to Russia, and to the credit of it she is fairly entitled. That benefit is in itself not