Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/110

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draw upon oneself, as trouble, jiá; ín-jiá. instigate, kòiⁿ-so; kà-so; kà-lā. an enemy to battle, jiá-chièn. cause excitement, seⁿ-sṳ̄. public excitement, nâng-sim iâu-tõng.

exclaim, hàm; kiè; khui-siaⁿ; tōa-siaⁿ-tàⁿ; jiáng.

exclude, tṳ̂; to̍k-tshut; kek-tshut; bô-i-ji̍p; khì-tõ-gūa. exclusive of, tṳ̂-hui; tṳ̂-gūa; màiⁿ-sǹg; lêng-gūa.

excoriate, lṳ̀-phùa-phûe; lṳ̀ kàu-phiù-phûe; phiù-phûe.

excrement, pùn; sái.

exculpate, kàu-sù; ín-chèng piáu-mêng.

excuse, sṳ̀. please excuse me, chhiáⁿ-sù--chē; sià-tsũe; sù-tsũe; chhiáⁿ-sî. faults, thóiⁿ-phùa; sià-tsũe; khuan-iông.

execrable, khó-ù; khó-hṳ̃n.

execute, tsò; tsò-chiâⁿ; khîⁿ--tshut-lâi. put to death, thâi. execution, sí-hêng. execution ground, kah-tiêⁿ. executioner, khùai-tsṳ́-chhiú (or, siú); suah-siú; tng-âng-kî.

executor, siũ-hù-thoh kâi-nâng; thoh-kou kâi-nâng (guardian).

exemplary, kṳ́-tõng tuan-chiàⁿ; hó-iēⁿ; hó-pun-nâng tsò-iēⁿ.

exempt, bô-tō-lāi; tõ-gūa. from taxation, mién-na̍p-hiàng.

exercise, take, khṳ̀-thit-thô; kiâⁿ-tsáu ua̍h-tõng; kiâⁿ-sóng-khùai; khṳ̀-siau-iâu. literary, tsò-bûn; tsò-bûn-chieⁿ; bûn-gōi. soldiers, tshau-piaⁿ; tshau-liēn. learn military, o̍h-bú. exercise in, liēn; ha̍k-si̍p; o̍h.

exert, oneself, tshut-la̍t; khat-khóu; tie̍h-la̍t; tie̍h-khṳ̂n; ēng-sim. one's voice, khui-tōa-siaⁿ. one's influence, sái-sì.

exhale, huat-khì; tshut-khì. exhalation, khì. from water, tsúi-khì. damp, sip-khì.

exhaust, chĩn; khiông; liáu; hùi; ēng-chĩn; ēng-liáu; phùa-chĩn. strength, la̍t hùi-chĩn. money, chîⁿ-sái-uân. food, bí-niêⁿ chia̍h-liáu. exhausted (wearied), he̍k; phì-kũan; khùn; khùn-siên.

exhibit, hién-mêng; huat-hīn. goods, pái-lie̍t; pái-siet; phou-pâi. in competition, sài.

exhilarated, khin-sang; thiàng-khùai.

exhort, khǹg-kòi. to peace, khǹg-hûa. tracts exhorting to virtue, khǹg-sì-bûn.

exigency, kín-kip kâi-sṳ̄; kín-iàu kâi-sṳ̄. from the exigency of the case, bô-khó nãi-hô.

exile, see BANISH.