Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/115

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a fair, hṳ; chhĩ. go to the, tàu-hṳ; tàu-chhĩ.

fairy, see ELF. fairy-land, sien-kéng.

faith, sìn; siang-sìn. reliance, sìn-kõu; íⁿ-kõu. fidelity, sìn; sìn-tek; tong-sìn; sìn-si̍t; hó-siang-sìn. faithful, tong-kãu; tong-hõu; tong-sìn; bô-nõⁿ-sim. having faith, ũ-sìn; sìn; sièn. strong faith, chhim-sìn; kãu-sìn; tok-sìn. faithless, pũe-sìn bô-ngĩ.

falcon, eng-chiáu.

fall, pua̍h; lo̍h; ka-la̍u; kau-la̍uh. as house, tó; tó--lo̍h-lâi; pang. in, tha̍p. down, as person, pua̍h--tie̍h; pua̍h-lo̍h; tie̍h-pua̍h. as thing, ka-la̍uh. into a snare, lo̍h-khuan-thàu. fall in with, ngõ--tie̍h. to pieces, sùaⁿ; sùaⁿ-tiāu. leaves, lo̍h-hie̍h. as landslip, suaⁿ pang, tī hām; pang-hām. rain, lo̍h-hõu. dew, lo̍h-lōu-tsúi. heavy fall of dew, lōu-tsúi tãng; lōu-tsúi kãu. empire, kok bûang. flowers, hue sià. at any body's feet, phak tõ-kha-ẽ; phak-lo̍h-tī. upon, as enemy, kong-phah; kong-khek. into one's hands, pĩ-lia̍h. price, lo̍h-kè; thu̍t-kè; tie̍t-kè. away, lī-khui. from religion, pũe-kà. on one's neck, phõ-ãm; lám-kín-ãm. tide, khó-lâu; lâu khó. waterfall, pha̍k-pòu-tsûaⁿ; thuaⁿ (a rapid). falling star, pue-chheⁿ; liû-chheⁿ; chheng-sîn kùe-tōu. falling-sickness, see EPILEPSY.

fallible, õi-tshò.

fallow, ground, tshân-tī phau-hng.

false, ké; hṳ-ké; ngũi; tsà-ngũi; hue-niauⁿ. money, ké kâi-ngṳ̂n. falsehood, ké-ūe; hṳ-ké kâi-ūe; phièn-nâng kâi-ūe; hue-tshùi hue-chi̍h. witness, ké tsò-chèng-kṳ̃. charge, bû-lūa; bû-kò; bû-khòng; niap-kò. purpose, intention, ké-ì, falsely pretend not to know, ké-tsò m̄-tsai; tèⁿ-tsò m̄-tsai; iâng-ûi put-tsai; tèⁿ-chhi. false goodness, hypocrisy, ké-hó. falsely use another man's name, ké nâng-kâi-miâⁿ; mãuⁿ-miâⁿ.

falter, huan-ho̍k bô-tiāⁿ.

fame, miâⁿ; miâⁿ-siaⁿ; siaⁿ-bũn. famous, tshut-miâⁿ; hién-miâⁿ; miâⁿ-siaⁿ pùa-iâng; bûn-miâⁿ (polite phrase).

familiar, siang-se̍k; sie-pat. most familiar friend, chì-se̍k kâi phêng-iú; sù-se̍k kâi phêng-iú.

family, ke; ke-kùan; ke-hõu; ke-so̍k. whole, ha̍p-ke; hãm-ke; thong-ke; che̍k-ke; tshûan-ke. clan, sèⁿ; tso̍k. property, ke-sṳ̄; ke-ngia̍p; ke-tshâi; ke-tsṳ; ke-húe. discipline, ke-kà; ke-kui. state of family as regards be-