Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/146

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harrow, pê; thih-pê. to, pê-tshân. one, che̍k-tieⁿ-pê.

harsh, kùe-ngiâm; khek-po̍h. khó-khek; ngiâm-khek. rule, ngia̍k-chèng. taste, sng-siap; khóu-siap.

hart, te̍k; te̍k-kóu.

harvest, tang-thâu. to take in, kuah-tiũ; siu-tang; siu-kè-sek; siu-sêng. potatoe, ku̍t-huan-kuah. sugar-cane, tsám-chià.

hash, tok tshùi-tshùi; sap tshùi-tshùi; tok-ne̍k-tshò.

hassock, phû-thûan; pài-tiẽn; kha-ta̍h.

haste, kip; kín; kín-kip; huang-mâng (bustle); méⁿ-méⁿ; khùe-khùe; sok-sok; chiet-sok; tshong-tshong.

hasty, kín-sèⁿ; sim-sèⁿ kín; sèⁿ kip; sim-sèⁿ pek; kōi-kōi seⁿ-khì; phòng-phiẽ sim-sèⁿ.

hat, bō. one, che̍k-téng-bō. put on or wear, tì-bō. take off, pak-tiāu-bō. felt, chiⁿ-bō. straw, tsháu-bō. hat-box, bō-a̍p. hat-stand, bō-kè. hatter, tsò-bō sai-pẽ.

hatch, eggs, pū-koi-kiáⁿ; ún-ah-kiáⁿ (artificially). hatchway, tshng-mn̂g; tshng-kháu. to open, khui-tshng. cover of, tshng-mn̂g-khàm; tshng-mn̂g-khàiⁿ.

hatchet, póu-thâu.

hate, lóu; lóu-hṳ̃n; uàn-hṳ̃n; uàn-chhiû; ù. hateful, khó-ù; khó-lóu; khó-cheng khó-ù; tshūa-nâng-lóu.

haughty, kiau-ngãu; thóiⁿ-nâng m̄-khí; bô-lói-mãuⁿ; ma̍k-khang khuah.

haul, rope, khan-soh; chhiû-soh; túi-soh. up a boat, kng-tsûn chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ. up a sail, po̍ih-phâng; liū-phâng. down, lo̍h; pàng; liū-lo̍h; túi-lo̍h. close-hauled, tsài-liâu.

haunt, a cave, tiàm-suaⁿ-khang. a man, kúi lêng-tîⁿ nâng; jiáu-tîⁿ. haunted (house), tshut-kúi; m̄-chheng-khih.

haunch, thúi-thâu; kha-thúi.

have, ũ. have you? ũ a-bô? khá chêng-ũ--méⁿ? I have not, bô; m̄-chêng-ũ. have finished, tsò-hó--liáu; íⁿ-keng-tsò; tsò-liáu. have you ever eaten an orange? kaⁿ lṳ́ pat-chia̍h a-m̄-pat? I have not, m̄-pat; tsṳ̃-liáu m̄-pat. have you had dinner? lṳ́ chia̍h-pn̄g a-būe? I have dined, chia̍h-pá--liáu; chia̍h--liáu; phien--liáu. have you been to the market yet? lṳ́ chêng chiẽⁿ-chhĩ--būe? not yet, būe-chêng.

hawk, liáu-eng-pô.

hawker, sié-seng-lí; koiⁿ-thiau kâi seng-lí; koíⁿ-thiau lo̍h-hāng; iê-kóu.