Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/166

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insincere, bô-si̍t-sim; bô-sêng-si̍t.

insignificant, bô-siang-kan; bô-kài-tsài; bô-chhiet-iàu; kàu tî-kò-khṳ̀.

insinuate, puaⁿ-so sĩ-hui; tshâm-húiⁿ.

insipid, bô-bī; bô-bī bô-sòu; pe̍h-chiáⁿ; chiáⁿ; po̍h; tãⁿ.

insist, upon, pit-àiⁿ; tiāⁿ-tie̍h-àiⁿ; ngẽ-hóuⁿ-àiⁿ.

insnare, phièn--nâng ji̍p-ke̍k; phièn--nâng chiẽⁿ-tāng; kuang--nâng lo̍h i-kâi khou-thàu.

insolent, kiau-ngãu; bô-lói; hùang-sṳ̀. interruptions, tsa̍h-thâu tsa̍h-búe; tsa̍h-nâng-ūe.

insoluble, bõi-iêⁿ; bõi-siau-iêⁿ; bõi-iêⁿ-hùe; bõi-hùe. difficulty, kói-m̄-tshut; tháu-m̄-tshut; khat-thâu lân-kói.

insolvent, tó-tièⁿ; kueⁿ-tiāu.

inspect, thóiⁿ; kàm-tshat; sûn-siú; sûn-sĩ; sûn-thóiⁿ. examination essays, thóiⁿ-kńg; luat-kńg. inspector, kam-tok.

inspiration, of breath, che̍k-khip. inspired by the Spirit, kám--tie̍h Siàⁿ-Sîn.

instal, into office, kau-ìn; kau-pûaⁿ; kau-sià.

instance, for, khó-pí; phì-zũ; phì-zû; pí-huang. one, che̍k-hûe.

instant, an, che̍k-khùn-kiáⁿ; che̍k-ma̍k-nihⁿ; che̍k-sek-kú; che̍k-siap-sî; che̍k-khek. instantly, chiet-khek; sûi-chiet; sûi-sî; lîm-sî. instead of, thòi.

instep, kha-pûaⁿ; kha-pùe.

instigate, thie-so; kà-so; kek.

instinct, sèⁿ-chhêng; tsṳ̃-jiên tsṳ̃-seⁿ; seⁿ-sêⁿ. by instinct, tshut-tõ seⁿ-seⁿ.

institute, siet-li̍p.

instruct, kà; kà-hùe; kà-tãu; kà-hùn; kà-sī; chí-sī. instructor, kà-sṳ; sin-seⁿ.

instrument, khì-kũ; khì; ke-húe.

insubordinate, nge̍k-ì; ke̍h-kiẽn; tói-kṳ̃.

insufferable, nãiⁿ-m̄-khṳ̀; lân-nãiⁿ.

insufficient, m̄-kàu; m̄-lã; put-tsok.

insult, lêng-zo̍k; sit-zo̍k; u-zo̍k; khi-zo̍k; zo̍k-mēⁿ; áu-zo̍k (with beating); kāng-nâng sit-lién; bú-buãn. exposure to public insult, as of a criminal, hô-niāⁿ.

insupportable, tng-m̄-khí; siũ-m̄-khṳ̀; nãiⁿ-m̄-khṳ̀; lân-tng.