Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/175

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large, tōa; khuah-tōa; kûiⁿ-tōa; tōa-bó-kâi; lō-ho. large-hearted, hái-liãng; liãng-tōu khuan-khuah.

largess, siéⁿ-mue̍h; khèng-siéⁿ; tãi-siéⁿ; pù-si (or sì); khàu-siéⁿ (to soldiers).

lark, peh-lêng-chiáu.

larva, thâng-nñg; thâng-kóiⁿ; tshṳ.

larynx, âu-lêng; ngẽ-âu; âu-lâng-kńg.

lascivious, tham-sek; phiâu; tham-îm.

lash, piⁿ. to, tsang-piⁿ phah; piⁿ-phah.

lassitude, khùn-tõaⁿ; kũan-tõaⁿ; phî-kũan; bô-cheng-sîn.

last, suah-búe; kiâu-búe; mua̍t. night, tsa-mêⁿ; tsa-mêⁿ-àm. month, chiēⁿ-kâi-gue̍h. year, kū-nîⁿ; khṳ̀-nîⁿ; úang-nîⁿ. month, chiēⁿ-kâi-gue̍h. at last, kiáu-búe; búe-búe. from first to last, tsṳ̃-sí kàu-tsong; tshông-thâu kàu-búe. first and last the same, sí-tsong zû-it. the last day, mua̍t-ji̍t. breathe one's last, khùi tñg.

last, to, nãiⁿ; nãiⁿ-kú; tōiⁿ. lasting well, õi-nãiⁿ.

last, shoe, ôi-hùn.

lastings, ú-lêng; ú-môⁿ; ú-tn̄g; ú-se.

latch, ie̍h-kúi.

latchet, ôi-tòa.

late, mān; ùaⁿ; chhî. too, khah-mān; kùe-ùaⁿ. in day, ji̍t ùaⁿ; ji̍t àm. in the night, keⁿ chhim. my late father, uá kâi-soiⁿ-kháu; uá kâi-soiⁿ-hũ. my late grandfather, uá kâi-tsóu-kháu. your late father, soiⁿ-tsun. too late for dinner, hù-m̄-tie̍h chia̍h.

lately, chí-kṳ̃n-sî; chí-kṳ̃n-ji̍t; kṳ̃n-ji̍t; kúi-ji̍t-tsôiⁿ; sù-ji̍t-tsôiⁿ; soiⁿ sù-ji̍t; būe-kú; soiⁿ-bô-kú.

lathe, chhia-pûaⁿ; chhia-tshn̂g.

latitude, tī-hūi-tōu.

lattice, hõng-ngán-theng.

laudable, hó-o-ló; kham-kai hó-o-ló.

laugh, chhiè. aloud, hā-hā-chhiè; chhiè kàu hā-hā-kiè. with mouth wide open, chhiè kàu tshùi li̍h-li̍h. till one can laugh no more, tâng-õi-chhiè, chhiè kàu-bõi-chhiè. pot laughing at kettle, ba̍t-sat chhiè chie̍h-pūi (lit., bed-bug laughing at tree-bug). laughable, hó-chhiè; khó-chhiè.

launch, tsûn pàng-lo̍h-tsúi. steam-, húe-tsûn-kiáⁿ.

lavender, water, hue-lōu-tsúi.