Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/209

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̂khiâng-iap. overcast sky, thiⁿ chhiẽⁿ-hûn; thiⁿ-sek hun-àm; thiⁿ khàm-khàm; thiⁿ so-tô. overdone, pû khah-mîⁿ; khah-kùe-húe. overflow, iah--tshut; lâu--tshut; múaⁿ--tshut; chhèng--khí-lâi (to spout up). overhanging wall, ngâm-chhiêⁿ; chhiêⁿ hiám àiⁿ-tó. overhear, chẽⁿ-thiaⁿ. overshadow, chia-ìm; pì-ìm. overtake, jiāu--tie̍h; tui-tie̍h; kúaⁿ--tie̍h. overthrow, léng-tó; tó-khap.

owe, khiàm; khiàm-chîⁿ; khiàm-chè.

owl, ngiau-thâu-chiáu.

own, ka-kī-kâi; pńg; chhin. with one's own hand, chhin-chhiú. in one's own person, pńg-sin; chhin-sin.

own, to, jīn.

ox, iam-gû; iam-gû-kóu.

oyster, ô. bed, ô-sieⁿ; ô-tiâⁿ. shell, ô-khak.


pace, pōu; hua̍h. large, tōa-hua̍h.

pacify, khn̍g-nâng màiⁿ-khì; kiâⁿ-hûa; khng-hûa; khǹg-tshú. Pacific ocean, thài-phêng-iêⁿ.

pack, pau; phah-pau; tsuang; siu-sip-bûa. tea, tsuang-tê. in a box, tsuang-lo̍h-sieⁿ. packing box, tsuang-sieⁿ.

paddle!, jiê. to, phẽ-tsûn. a dragon-boat, phẽ-lêng-tsûn.

paddy, chhek. growing, ng; tiũ; tâ. fields, tshân. bird, pe̍h-liãu-si.

padlock, só-thâu.

page, of book, che̍k-mīn. on the block, che̍k-póiⁿ, che̍k-kò-póiⁿ.

pagoda, thah. literary, khue-chheⁿ-koh; khue-chheⁿ-lâu; bûn-chiang (or chhiang)-koh

pail, tsúi-tháng; tiàu-tháng.

pain, thiàⁿ. to ease, chí-thìaⁿ. painful, õi-thìaⁿ; kan-khóu; chhi-tshám; chhi-liâng.

paint, iû; tshat. to, sái-iû; iû; tshat. painter, iû-tshat sai-pẽ; sái-iû sai-pẽ; iû-mu̍eh sai-pẽ. an artist, ūe-ūe sin-seⁿ.

pair, a, che̍k-sang; che̍k-tùi. to, phùe; phùe-ha̍h; phit-phùe.