Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/214

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penal, code, lu̍t-lī. penalty, hu̍at-ngṳ̂n; hêng-hu̍at.

penance, póu-kùe siu-hẽng; chiang-kong póu-kùe.

Penang, Pin-nôⁿ-sṳ̃.

pendant, sûi-lo̍h; sûi-hiã.

pendulum, sî-cheng-thūi; sî-cheng-teh.

penetrate, ji̍p; tshǹg-ji̍p; thàu-ji̍p; thàng; thàng--kùe.

penitent, tsai-tsũe; tsai-tshò; siẽⁿ-hùe; siẽⁿ-siú-hùe; siẽⁿ-àiⁿ hùe-kói; hûe-thâu; tsṳ̃-uàn; thiàⁿ-kói tsôiⁿ-hui.

penurious, tham-liẽn; kien-liẽn; liẽn-siap; kien-siap; kùe-khiãm.

people, mîn; sù-mîn; peh-sèⁿ. people say, chèng-nâng-tàⁿ.

pepper, hôu-chie. box, hôu-chie-kóng.

peppermint, po̍h-hò; pô-hò. essence of, po̍h-hò-iû.

per cent, ten, peh thiu-tsa̍p; ke-it-thiu. twenty, ke-jī-thiu.

perambulate, chiu-sûn; chiu-liû; kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀.

perceive, kak; hiáu; hiáu-ngõ; kak-ngõ; thóiⁿ-kìⁿ. organs of perception, chhit-khóng; chhit-khiàu.

perch, to, chhi; chhi-sin; hiah. fowls, koi chiẽⁿ-tiâu; koi-chhi-tiâu.

perdition, tîm-lîn.

peremptory, chheⁿ-ngẽ; ngẽ-tiáⁿ; te̍k-te̍k.

perfect, tshûan; chiu-tshûan; sêng-tshûan; tsa̍p-tshûan; uân-tshûan; sûn-tshûan. perfectly good, tshûan-hó. do a thing perfectly, tsò-sṳ̄ îⁿ-múaⁿ; tsò-sṳ̄ uân-muáⁿ. understand perfectly, hiáu-kàu-thàu; thàng-sṳ̄.

perfidious, sit-sìn; put-tong; pũe-ngĩ.

perforate, tshǹg-khang; tsǹg-khang; tsù-khang. perforated with many holes, tsù-khang; tshan-tshan.

perform, tsò; kiâⁿ. one's duty, chĩn-pńg-hūn.

perfume, hieⁿ; phang. perfumes, hieⁿ-liāu; hue-lōu-tsúi.

perhaps, ho̍k-chiá; káⁿ-sĩ; pa-lak; ho̍k-ũ ho̍k-bô; bô-tiāⁿ-tie̍h.

perilous, see dangerous.

period, sî-hāu; tsoih; tsoih-hāu.

perish, bûang; sí-bûang; mi̍t-bûang; tîm-bûang; pĩ-miāⁿ; sí; tîm-lûn.

perjure, chiù-ké-tsūa.

permanent, tsóng-kú-ũ; kú-tshûn; kú-kú-tõ.

permit, see allow.