Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/217

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pill, ie̍h-iⁿ.

pillage, phah-kiap; chhiéⁿ-kiap.

pillar, thiãu.

pillow, chím-thâu. box used for, chím-thâu-sieⁿ.

pilot, tshūa-tsúi; ín-tsûn; tshūa-tshûn.

pimp, u-kui tōa-pih.

pimple, ne̍k-thiâu.

pin, tsam-tsǹg. ivory hair pin, gê-tsam. bone, kut-tsam.

pincers, thih-khîⁿ; thih-kîⁿ; niap-kiáⁿ; nihⁿ-kiáⁿ; kiap-kiáⁿ; koíh-kiáⁿ. crab's, hõi-tōa-kha.

pinch, nihⁿ; nueh; liàm; tsũn (twist). of snuff, che̍k-nueh phīⁿ-hun.

pine, tree, sêng-peh-chhiū; sam. -apple, huan-lâi. pine-apple cloth, po-lô-mûaⁿ; po-lô-se.

pinnacle, of tower, thah-chiam; thah-búe. of house, tshù-kak-chiam.

pipe, tâng; kóng; siau. blow a, tshue-siau. tobacco or opium, hun-tâng.

pirate, hái-tshát.

pistol, chhiú-chhèng; tó-chhèng.

pistil, hue-chhiu.

pit, kheⁿ; chéⁿ; khut; hām. pitfall, thôu-hām; hām-kheⁿ. of stomach, koi-tshùi-kháu; tsúi-uh-kháu.

pitch, sêng-hieⁿ-iû.

pitch, a tent, nêⁿ (or, tah)-pòu-phâng. a camp, tshàng-iâⁿ.

pitcher, tsúi-kuàn; tsúi-pân.

pith, chhiū-sim; tsháu-sim.

pitted, with small-pox, mīn poiⁿ-poiⁿ.

pity, khó-liên; liên-mién; thiàⁿ-siang; khó-si̍ang. pitiable, khó-liên; khó-sieh; chhi-tshám. piteous, tshám; khóu; ai-tshám; pui-ai. pitiless, thih-chie̍h sim-kuaⁿ. what a pity! khó-sieh!

pivot, khũ. of door, mn̂g-khũ. of scissors, ka-to-ngán.

placable, khuan-jiû; khûan-hûa; un-jiû.

placard, thiap; kò-sī; pe̍h-thâu-thiap (anonymous and abusive); bô-thâu-thiap (id.). offering reward, siéⁿ-thiap.

place, tshù; tī-hng; ūi-tshṳ̀; só-tsãi; tī-ūi; kò, give, jiãng-ūi; tho-ūi; tho-jiãng. in the first, khî-it; tõiⁿ-it-kiãⁿ; tõiⁿ-it-hãng. go from place to place, khuan-lâi khuan-khṳ̀; múaⁿ-kò-kiâⁿ.

placenta, ui; tho-ui.

placid, sim phêng, khi hûa; tshông-iông.