Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/227

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prostrate, phak-tõ-thôu. ceremony of prostration, khàu-thâu; kha̍p-thâu.

prostitute, kĩ-nńg; chhiang-kĩ; láu-kṳ́; láu-kí; a-ché; khiàu-búe.

protect, pó; pó-iũ; pì-iũ; pó-hõ; pó-pì; pì-ìm.

protuberant, thóu-tshut; tsui; tsui-tshut.

proud, kiau-ngãu; kiau-thài. flesh, ṳ̀-ne̍k.

prove, pêng-chèng; chèng-sit; chieh-chèng; tùi-chèng.

proverb, so̍k-gṳ́; pīn-chiâⁿ-kù. Book of Proverbs, chim-ngân.

provide, ṳ̃-pĩ; pĩ-pĩn; pĩ-phōiⁿ; ṳ̃-pĩn; kũ-pĩ. with, keng-kip; kip-pun. against, thî-huâng; huâng-ṳ̃; ṳ̃-huàng.

provident, sié-sim; soiⁿ-siẽⁿ.

province, a, séⁿ. provincial city, séⁿ-siâⁿ.

provision, niêⁿ-tsháu; kan-niêⁿ. for journey, pûaⁿ-tî.

provoke, kek-khì; jiá-khì; ín--i seⁿ-khì; tshok-náuⁿ; tshok--tie̍h-i náuⁿ-khì; thie-náuⁿ. to fight, thok-chièn; kek-chièn; kek-chiàng; kek-lĩ; thie-chièn.

prudence, kièn-sek; õi-pheⁿ-phah; õi-thiâu-ue̍h; kau-mêng; luat-le̍h.

prune, to, tsám-chhiū-ki; phoi-chhiū-ki.

Prussia, Po-lô-sṳ; Tãi-Pù-kok. prussian blue, iêⁿ-tōiⁿ.

pry, iám-thóiⁿ; thau-iám; kui-thàm; kui-sĩ; kui-thóiⁿ.

pterygium, ma̍k-chiu seⁿ-ṳ̀-ne̍k.

puberty, sêng-teng; sêng-thông; tsò-tōa-nâng; chiáng-tōa; tńg-tōa.

public, kong. business, kong-sṳ̄, the, peh-sèⁿ; chèng-nâng. spirit, kong-sim. publicly, hién-mêng.

publish, a book, tù-tsṳ huat-bōi. far and wide, pan-kiâⁿ.

pudding, mīⁿ-se̍k

pugilist, phah-khûn-thâu; khûn-thâu sṳ-hũ (or, sai-pẽ).

pull, mán; khan; túi; thua; thua-chhé; la-chhé. up or out, mán-tiāu; po̍ih-tiāu; po̍ih-khí; po̍ih-tshut; thiu-tshut. off a coat, thǹg-tiāu-saⁿ. apart, peh-khui; li̍h-khui; thiah-khui. back, mán-tńg; túi-tńg. to pieces, thiah-tiāu; húiⁿ-tiāu. one's ears, liàm-hĩⁿ; khan-hĩⁿ; túi-hĩⁿ. an oar, kò-chiéⁿ. a punkah, túi-huang.

pulley, ka-lak.

pulp, of fruit, kúeⁿ-chí-ne̍k.

pulse , the, me̍hⁿ. feel the, me̍hⁿ; phah-me̍hⁿ; tẽⁿ-me̍hⁿ; àn-me̍hⁿ; chién-me̍hⁿ; thóiⁿ-me̍hⁿ.