Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/252

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separated by the sea, keh-hái. by a wall, keh-chhiêⁿ; keh-piah.

sepulchre, phûn; phûn-mõⁿ. imperial, uâng-lêng.

seraglio, lãi-keng. the inmates of, keng-ngô múiⁿ-nńg.

serene, uaⁿ-chẽⁿ. sky, thiⁿ chêⁿ.

series, tshṳ̀-sũ; tshṳ̀-tõiⁿ; téng-lie̍t; téng-khip; pín-lie̍t pín-tõiⁿ. of years, le̍h-nîⁿ.

serious, tãng; tōa. matter, tōa-sṳ̄. disease, pēⁿ tãng. in manner, ngiâm-chiàⁿ; kṳ́n-ngiâm.

serpent, tsûa. one, che̍k-tiâu-tsûa. to creep as a, so; kuãn.

serrate, seⁿ-kṳ̀-khí.

servant, kang-jîn; ēng-jîn; sái-hùan kâi-nâng; sái-tãng kâi kang-jîn; sĩ-tsái (applied to servants of foreigners); nôuⁿ-po̍k (slave); iông-kang kâi-nâng. in a family, ke-jîn. to be one's, kāng-nâng tsò-kang. servants of mandarin, kṳn-pan; kṳn-súi.

serve, ho̍k-sṳ̃; ho̍k-sĩ; ho̍k-hia̍h; phōiⁿ-sṳ̄.

server, a, tháng-pûaⁿ; tshâ-pûaⁿ.

serviceable, hó-ēng; ēng-tit-lâi.

servile, pui-khut; kùe-khiam; tsù-kiong.

set, a, che̍k-hù; che̍k-thàu; che̍k-kah. of books, a whole work, che̍k-pang. changing sets of men several times a day, che̍k-ji̍t ūaⁿ ke-sek-nâng. a mean set, hiã-liû-pùe.

set, to, as gems, sieⁿ-ge̍k. as fruit, kat-si̍t; kit-chí. as sun, ji̍t lo̍h; ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suaⁿ. a watch, sî-pie tshâu-chiàⁿ. to set about, khui-chhiú; khí-kang. at rest, pàng-uaⁿ. bones, chiap-kut. eggs, khṳt koi-bó pū-nñg. down, pàng--tõ-kò; hẽ--lo̍h-khṳ̀. fire to, pàng-húe; to̍h-húe; sit-húe (accidentally). one's heart on, liû-sim; tsuan-sim; tsù-liãm; tsù-ì; kù-sim kù-ì. out on a journey, khí-sin; khí-kiâⁿ; khí-thêng; tõng-sin. the teeth on edge, khí nńg. out trees, chèng-chhiū-tsai. the table, pái-toh; pái-tshn̂g; pái-siet. up, li̍p; siet-li̍p. a shop, sin-khui-phòu. sail, khí-phâng. an example, piáu-iēⁿ; tsò-iēⁿ khṳt-nâng-o̍h.

settle, an offair, lí-chheng-tshó; lí-tiāⁿ-tie̍h; tiāⁿ-tie̍h. how are you going to settle this? àiⁿ-tsò-nîⁿ huat-lo̍h? settled, tieh-lo̍h; tàⁿ-theng-thó. accounts, ap-siàu; chheng-siàu; siàu-ba̍k chheng-tshó. as muddy water, tsõ-chheng. a bargain, bói-sêng. a quarrel, hûa-sek.