Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/264

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Spain, Tōa-Lṳ̃-sòng kok. Spanish-fly, see CANTHARIDES.

span, a, che̍k-lia̍h.

spare, niēⁿ; sù. not spare oneself, put-sieh lâu-khóu; bô-liẽn-sieh ka-kī; m̄-káⁿ khùaⁿ-ua̍h. can spare some, ũ-tshûn; ũ-ṳ̂. ground, khang-tī; ṳ̂-tī; khiah-tī; ôiⁿ-tī.

sparing, khiãm; sieh-ēng; sieh-mu̍eh; séⁿ-hùi; séⁿ-khiãm; tsat-séⁿ.

spark, húe-mêⁿ. sparkling, ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

sparrow, mûaⁿ-chiah; mûaⁿ-chiah-chiáu. -hawk, liáu-eng-pô.

spasm, thiu-kṳn; thiu-thek.

spatter, phuah. as with mud, phùn--tie̍h nah-sap.

spatula, khui-ie̍h-to; thih-poi; kueh-to.

spawn, of fish, hṳ̂-tshun; hṳ̂-nñg.

speak, tàⁿ-ūe; káng; sueh-ūe. for one, thòi-nâng káng-chhêng. I wish to speak a few words with you, uá àiⁿ kāng-lṳ́-tàⁿ lân-kù-ūe. don't speak to him, màiⁿ-tshap i tàⁿ-ūe. speak plainly, tàⁿ-mêng; tàⁿ-mêng-pe̍h; ti̍t-tàⁿ. at random, thèng-tàⁿ; thèng-tsãu-hùe tàⁿ; zuãn-tàⁿ.

spear, chhieⁿ. to spear, tshǹg.

special, te̍k; tsuan.

species, chéng; lūi. of the same, tâng-lūi.

specify, ta̍k-it káng-mêng; kiãⁿ-kiãⁿ kì-mêng.

specimen, khuán-sek; thói-sek; keh-sek; mōⁿ; iēⁿ.

specious, tshah-chhih chhin-chhiẽⁿ; chhin-chhiẽⁿ-sĩ, huân-liáu m̄-sĩ.

speck, ou-tiám. speckled, hue-long; che̍k-tiám che̍k-tiám.

spectacles, ma̍k-kiàⁿ. eyes of, ma̍k-kiàⁿ-jîn; ma̍k-kiàⁿ-ne̍k. to put on, or wear, kùa-ma̍k-kiàⁿ.

spectator, phâng-piⁿ-thóiⁿ kâi-nâng; phâng-kuan--kâi-nâng; chhin-ma̍k thóiⁿ--kìⁿ.

speculate, kòi-sǹg. a good speculation, hó-siẽⁿ-thâu.

speech, ūe; tàⁿ-ūe. fluent, tàⁿ-ūe liù-liù-ku̍t. speechless, bô-ūe hó-tàⁿ.

speed, khùe; méⁿ.

spell, a, hû. hû-chiù; chiù-gṳ́. to utter, liām-chiù.

spell, to, chhiet-im; húan-chhiet.

spend, sái-chîⁿ; sái-ēng; só-hùi. time idly, siau-ôiⁿ kùe-ji̍t. a night, hiah-mêⁿ; keh-mêⁿ; kùe-mêⁿ.

sphere, îⁿ-thói; kiû.

spices, hieⁿ-liāu.

spider, ti-tu; bé-lêng-khiâ; siàu-chîⁿ-ang; hôu-sîn-hóuⁿ;