Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/283

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thorn, chhì. thorny, seⁿ-chhì. to be pricked by a, chhiah-tie̍h-chhì.

thoroughfare, thong-lōu. no, khu̍t-thâu-hāng (a blind alley).

thoroughly, tsa̍p-hun; tshûan. learned, thong-thiet; thàu-thiet.

though, sui; sui-jiên; sui-sĩ. though....still, sui-jiên.... huân-liáu. even though, tsòng; tsòng-jiên.

thought, siẽⁿ-thâu; liãm-thâu; sṳ-liãm; ì-sṳ̀. thoughtful, chhim-siẽⁿ; ién-lṳ̃; chhim-sṳ ién-lṳ̃. thoughtless, m̄-tsai-siẽⁿ; bõi-siẽⁿ; thien-thien. see THINK.

thousand, tshoiⁿ; che̍k-tshoiⁿ. by thousands and tens of thousands, káng-tshoiⁿ káng-būan.

thread, sùaⁿ. silk, si-sùaⁿ. gold, kim-sùaⁿ. to, a needle, tshng-tsam; tshuan-tsam. to, cash, tshng-chîⁿ.

threaten, kiaⁿ-heh; kiaⁿ-tie̍h-nâng; heh-kiaⁿ-nâng.

three, saⁿ. three-ply rope, saⁿ-kóu-soh. three-cornered, saⁿ-kak. thrice, saⁿ-hûe; saⁿ-pái; saⁿ-tshṳ̀; saⁿ-hãng; saⁿ-tńg; saⁿ-ē; saⁿ-tsau.

thresh, phah-tiũ; phah-chhek. threshing tub, sut-tháng. ladder of ditto, sut-tháng-thui. mat enclosing ditto, sut-tháng-tiãm; sut-tháng-phâng; sut-tháng-ûi; sut-tháng-chia. threshing floor, hue-tiâⁿ; chhek-tiâⁿ; chhek-tiêⁿ.

threshold, mn̂g-tõiⁿ.

thrifty, séⁿ-ēng; khiãm; khiãm-ēng; tsat-ēng; ũ-tsat-tōu.

thrive, heng-sẽng; mõng-sẽng.

throat, âu; âu-lêng. cut one's, kṳ̀-âu. sore, âu-lêng thiàⁿ.

throne, imperial, kim-lûan-tōiⁿ; lêng-ūi; tãi-pó; thiⁿ-ūi. royal, uâng-ūi; tsō-ūi. to ascend the, teng-ki; teng-ūi; chiet-ūi; tsõ-ūi. to usurp the, tshùan-ūi.

throng, a, che̍k-khûn-nâng; nâng-mue̍h tsa̍t-tsa̍t; nâng-mue̍h hun-hun; lāu-jie̍t. to throng, oi-oi léng-léng; oi-oi chìⁿ-chìⁿ; sie-chìⁿ sie-ko̍ih; sie-oi sie-léng.

throttle, liū-âu; liū-âu tẽⁿ-chi̍h; tẽⁿ-âu.

through, thong; thàu; thàng. to come through the rain, hãm-hõu-lâi; mãuⁿ-hõu-lâi. to pass through a place, tùi-hṳ́-kò keng-kùe; keng tùi-hṳ́-kò-kùe. through fire and smoke, mãuⁿ-in tu̍t-húe.

throw, to, ka̍k; sek; phîn; tiāu; tãⁿ. away, ka̍k-