Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/286

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tipsy, tsùi; chia̍h-chiú-tsùi; tsùi-chiú. slightly, ba-bun-tsùi; mah-moh-tsùi.

tired, he̍k; khùn; khùn-tõaⁿ; khùn-kũan; khùn-he̍k; phî-kũan; phî-khùn; phî-tõaⁿ; kha sng, chhiú nńg. very tired with walking, kiâⁿ-kàu-hẽng. to be tired of, iàm; ùi; lóu; màiⁿ. tiresome, khṳt--nâng seⁿ-iàm; tshūa-nâng-ùi.

tithe, thiu tsa̍p-hūn tsṳ-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn thiu-che̍k; tsa̍p tshú-khî-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn tshú-che̍k; ke-it-thiu.

title, official, kuaⁿ-hâm; cheh-hâm. to confer a, hong-chiak. title-page, phiau-thâu; chheh-phiau. to write the title on the edge of a book, siá-chheh-kha.

tittle, see JOT.

to, kàu. speak to him, kāng-i-tàⁿ. bitten to death, kã-sí. to old age, chì-kàu-lãu.

toad, kap-pô.

toast, to, pek; pūe. bread, pūe-mīⁿ-pau; pek-mīⁿ-pau.

tobacco, hun. leaves, hun-hie̍h. prepared, se̍k-hun. pipe, hun-tâng. to smoke, chia̍h-hun; chia̍h-se̍k-hun.

today, kim-ji̍t; kiáⁿ-ji̍t; pńg-ji̍t; hīn-ji̍t; tshṳ́-ji̍t; chiet-ji̍t.

toe, kha-tsóiⁿ. the big, kha-tsńg-thâu-kong; kha-tsóiⁿ-thâu.

together, tsò-pû; tâng; kāng. to walk, tsò-pû-kiâⁿ. have anything together, or in common, sie-kāng.

toil, lâu-khóu; lâu-la̍t; bûa-lâu; bûa; bûa-la̍t; khóu-sin; sin-khṳ̂n; khṳ̂n-lâu. toilsome, lân; kan-khóu.

toilet, to make one's, tá-pàn; siu-tsuang; tsuang-pàn. table, tsng-thâi; kiàⁿ-thâi; kiàⁿ-tshn̂g.

token, hō; piáu-kì. secret, àm-hō.

tolerable, nãiⁿ-tit-khṳ̀; nãiⁿ-tit-kùe; lún-tit-kùe. tolerably good, õi-tsò-tit; tshó-lia̍k tsò-tit; õi--nín tsò-tit; khó-íⁿ tsò-tit; chiang-chiũ tsò-tit.

tolerate, jĩm--nâng khṳ̀-tsò; bô-só-kìm.

toll, kùe-lōu-chîⁿ; kùe-hiàng-chîⁿ.

tomato, âng-sãi-kiáⁿ.

tomb, phûn; phûn-mõⁿ; suaⁿ. to worship at the tombs, pài-phûn; kùe-tsúa; chì-sàu; chì-phûn; teh-tsúa.

tomorrow, mùaⁿ-tsá; mùaⁿ-khí; màⁿ-khí; mêng-ji̍t. day after, ãu--ji̍t. two days after, tōa-ãu--ji̍t.

tone, siaⁿ-im. the eight tones, poih-im.

tongs, thih-kîⁿ; thih-khîⁿ; thih-tṳ̄.