Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/33

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bed, tshn̂g; mîn-tshn̂g. tressel-bed, phou. bed-boards, phou-pang. bed-fellow, tâng-phou; tsò-pô-u̍t. make ready a bed, phah-phou. to go to bed, lo̍h-mîn-tshn̂g gu̍t. brought to bed, lîm-phûn; seⁿ-kiáⁿ; lîm-súaⁿ. bed-room, u̍t-pâng; mîn-pâng; õ-pâng. bed-clothes, phũe; phũe-toaⁿ (thin). bed-post, mîn-tshn̂g-thiãu. potato-bed, huan-tsṳ-sieⁿ.

bedust, seⁿ-eng-têng; mak--tie̍h thôu-hún; seⁿ-tîn-ai.

bee, phang; bi̍t-phang. honey, phang-bi̍t. beehive, phang-tû; phang-tàu. beeswax, phang-la̍h; bi̍t-phoh.

beef, gû-ne̍k.

beetle, thâng; kài-thâng. the kind that makes a noise like a reel, pháng-chhia-î.

befall, ngõ-tie̍h-sṳ̄. a sickness has befallen him, seⁿ-pēⁿ; tì-pēⁿ; tì-chèng.

befool, bú-lõng; sie-pin-tn̍g; lóng-tshái.

before, in time, tshông-tsôiⁿ; tsṳ̃-tsôiⁿ; ṳ̃-soiⁿ; soiⁿ-tsôiⁿ; soiⁿ; soiⁿ-ji̍t. in place, tsôiⁿ-mīn; mīn-tsôiⁿ; thâu-mīn-tsôiⁿ; thâu-tsôiⁿ. before and behind, soiⁿ-ãu; tsôiⁿ-ãu. just before (time), thâng-soiⁿ; thâng-kùa; tsá--tsûn. as before, jiông-kū; jêng-kū; i-ngûan. before the time, sî būe-kàu tsṳ-soiⁿ; sî-hāu būe-chêng-kàu; khah-soiⁿ; khah-tsá.

befoul, bua̍h--tie̍h nah-sap; mak--tie̍h nah-sap; hú--tie̍h nap-sap.

beg, khiû; khṳ́n-khiû; koh-lô. for alms, khṳt-chia̍h. beg pardon! m̄-tsai-thâu! sù-tsūe! tit-tsũe! sù--chē! sit-lót! tit-tsõ--tie̍h-lṳ́!

beget, seⁿ.

beggar, khṳt-chia̍h; kiâⁿ-bí; thó-chia̍h. beggarly, khṳt-chia̍h-iēⁿ.

begin, khí; khui-chhiú; khí-kang; khí-thâu-tsò; tsho-ē-tsò. a journey, khí-thêng; khí-sin; khí-kiaⁿ. beginner, chheⁿ-chhiú. beginning, tsho; tsho-thâu-ē; tsho-ē; khí-tsho; tsho-soiⁿ; khí-soiⁿ.

begirt, hâ-tòa; pa̍k-tòa; sok-tòa.

begone, khùe-khùe-khṳ̀; mé-mé-khṳ̀; hó-tshut-khṳ̀--ūa; tshut-khṳ̀--a.

behalf, on behalf of one, thòi; ũi-tie̍h.

behave, hêng-ûi; kiâⁿ-ûi; tsò-sṳ̄; kṳ́-tõng; hêng-chí; pín-hẽng; kṳ́-kiâⁿ. towards one, thãi; khúan-thãi. behave well to one, kãu-thãi; hó-khúan-thãi.

behead, tsám-siú; thâi-thâu; tsám-thâu; phoh-thâu; tok-thâu.