Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/37

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bi̍t pak kiàm; chhiè-lí tshâng-to.

blanket, chiⁿ-tiâu.

blaspheme, siet-to̍k Siãng-tì; mēⁿ-thiⁿ chiù-tī; chiù-thiⁿ mēⁿ-tī.

blast, wind, che̍k-tsūn-huang. rocks, ēng húe-ie̍h sie-chie̍h pit-tsò-pôiⁿ; ēng húe-ie̍h sie-phùa-chie̍h; éng húe-ie̍h kâi kek-phùa-chie̍h.

blaze, húe-iām; húe-iãm; húe uak-uak-kiè; húe uāng-uāng-kiè.

bleach, piè-pe̍h.

bleareyed, mîⁿ-ma̍k-kîⁿ.

bleat, iêⁿ mehⁿ-mehⁿ-kiè.

bleed, a patient, pàng-tshut-hueh; thie-hueh; tshn̍g-hueh. wound, tshut-hueh; lâu-hueh.

blemish, ũ-hiâ--tshù. on one's reputation, miâⁿ-sek tiam-u.

blend, sie-tsham. metal, tsò-pû-iêⁿ.

bless, tsok; tsok-hok. as God, sṳ̀-hok; kàng-hok; hṳ́-hok.

blesssedness, hok; kok-khì; hok-che̍k.

blight, in grain, m̄-kit-chí; m̄-kat-si̍t. by frost, khṳt sng-soh tàng-sí.

blind, chheⁿ-mêⁿ; sit-mêng.

blindfold, ma̍k-chiu aⁿ-miⁿ; ma̍k-chiu pa̍k-miⁿ.

blind man's buff, lia̍h-hṳ̂; mông-hṳ̂.

blinds, of door, mn̂g-liâm. venetian, hāu-peh-chheh.

blink, nihⁿ-ma̍k.

blister, phã. to rise in blisters, phok-phã; phah-phòng-phã; phok-kóng. with medicine, buah-phã.

blithe, sóng-khuài; chhiè-mīn; muáⁿ-mīn hí-iông.

bloated, tièⁿ; chéng; hap-hap.

block, for chopping meat, tiam; tshâ-tiam. large lump of wood, tshâ-thâu. printing, ìn-póiⁿ. to cut, khek-ìn-póiⁿ; kuah-ìn-póiⁿ.

blockade, kìm-kháu; kìm-káng.

blockhead, lú-tũn; ngûi-phûe; tshâ--kâi.

blood, hueh. vessel, hueh-me̍hⁿ; hueh-lōu. to pass, pàng-hueh; pàng-âng. to let, pàng-tshut-hueh. curdled, kit-hueh.

bloody, ũ-hueh; lâu-hueh. all over, che̍k-sin-hueh.

bloodshot, eyes, ma̍k-chiu pãu-thiàⁿ; chhiẽⁿ-âng-kṳn; ma̍k-chiu âng; ma̍k ham-ham-âng.

bloodthirsty, hàuⁿ-suah; suah-lo̍k tãng; tshâng-pãu; pãu ngia̍k.