Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/62

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complete, sêng; sêng-chiũ; tsò-hó; tsò-uân; sêng-kong; tsò-chiâⁿ; uân-pi̍t. all complete, kũ-kàu; tsôi-pĩ; tshuân-pĩ; kũ-pĩ. completely, tshuân; tsa̍p-tshuân.

complexion, mīn-sek.

compliance, hàuⁿ; sũn; sũn-tshông; thiaⁿ-tshông; hũ-hõ; hông-ngêng; ngêng-ha̍h; sũn-mẽng; thiaⁿ-nâng-tàⁿ.

complicated, hũn-tsa̍p; huân-tsa̍p; úi-khiok tsâng-chih.

compliment, chheng-hu; o-ló. send compliments, mn̄g-hāu; chhiáⁿ-uaⁿ. compliments, lói; lói-mãuⁿ. return, ho̍k-lí; ho̍k-lói; pò-ho̍k; tap-lói.

comply, see compliance.

compose, an essay, tsò-bûn-chieⁿ. a composition, bûn-chieⁿ. good, pit-ba̍k hó; pit-chhêng hó; pit-khì hó.

composedly, uaⁿ-ún; uaⁿ-chẽⁿ.

compositor, chi̍p-jī-nâng; pâi-ua̍h-póiⁿ-nâng.

compound, mixed, tsham-tsa̍p. medicine, kap-ie̍h; ha̍h-ie̍h.

compradore, tshâi-hù; ke-tiéⁿ; kau-tshài-kuán (store).

comprehend, mêng-pe̍h; hiáu; pat; thiaⁿ pat-kò-khṳ̀.

comprehensive, lóng-tsóng; pau-kuat; pau-hâm; che̍k-khài. expression, phièn-ngân kai-kuat.

compress, teh--tie̍h; teh-si̍t; ko̍ih.

compromise, uán-tsuán; tshuang-tsua̍k.

compulsion, by, tshut-tõ mién-kiáng, bô-khó nãiⁿ-hô; bô-pōu.

compunction, siẽⁿ-hùe; siẽⁿ-sí-hùe; thiàⁿ-hùe; thiàⁿ-kói tsôiⁿ-hui.

compute, sn̍g; siàu; ha̍h-sn̍g; phah-sn̍g; kòi-sn̍g.

comrade, húe-kì; tâng-phũaⁿ; phêng-iú; tâng-liâu.

concave, thap; thap-tóu; thap-uh. spectacles, ma̍k-kiàⁿ chhia-thap-tóu.

conceal, khn̍g; khn̍g-bûa; khn̍g-miⁿ; tshâng-khn̍g; tshâng-ne̍k. oneself, tiàm; tiàm-bûa; siám-bûa; tshâng-pī; tshâng-pī tsáu-siám; tsáu-khui; pī-bûa.

concede, zún-na̍p; tsún; khéng; hàuⁿ; siang-jiãng; ngũan-chia̍h-khui jiãng--khṳt-i.

conceited, tsṳ̃-sĩ; tsṳ̃-tōa; m̄-tsṳ̃-liãng; tsṳ̃-khua.

conceive, siẽⁿ; siẽⁿ-khí-lâi; khí-ì. conceivable, siẽⁿ-tit-kàu. in the womb, siũ-tho; hûai-ẽng; ũ-la̍k-kah; ũ-