Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/86

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dice, tâu-kiáⁿ; kut-tâu. dice box, tâu-kiáⁿ-a̍p. gamble with dice, pua̍h-tâu-kiáⁿ. loaded dice, kùan-în-tâu.

dictate, hun-hù; mẽng-lẽng. write to my dictation, uá-liām lṳ́-siá.

dictionary, jī-tién; jī-lūi. rhyming, si-ūn; kiám-ūn.

die, to, sí; kùe-sì; sī-sì; khùi tñg; lãu--khṳ̍; tsak-kóu. see decease. by one's own hand, tsṳ̃-shĩn. of disease, pēⁿ-sí. of hunger, gō-sí. of cold, kûaⁿ-sí.

die, a, chîⁿ-bôu; jī-bôu.

diet, to, as sick person, khiēⁿ-tshùi; kài-kháu.

differ, ũ-hun-pie̍t; õi-koh-iēⁿ; m̄-sie-tâng; m̄-pêⁿ-iēⁿ; m̄-che̍k-iēⁿ; m̄-chhin-chhiẽⁿ. slightly, tsua̍h-m̄-ũa; tsua̍h-m̄-hñg; tsua̍h hun-hun; tãi-tâng siáu-ĩ; tsha-m̄-to. to quarrel, seⁿ-hiâm-khiah; kāng-nâng ũ-ūe. make up a difference, thiâu-ti̍t; thiâu-hûa.

difficult, oh; lân; kan-khóu; bô-hièⁿ-kōi. there are no difficulties in the world if you are only in earnest, thiⁿ-ẽ bô-lân-sṳ̄, chí-phàⁿ sim-put-tsuan.

diffidence, sim gî; m̄-káⁿ-sìn.

diffuse, spread, kúang-pù; kúang-pùa; pùa-iâng; suang-iâng; suan-pù. not concise, khui-khuah; seⁿ-ūe-sái; seⁿ-ūe-phûe; tàⁿ-ūe seⁿ-ki seⁿ-hie̍h; seⁿ-ūe-ki; seⁿ-ūe-tsat; ūe seⁿ-ki-tsat; huàm.

dig, ku̍t; liú; ku̍t-thôu.

digest, siau-chia̍h. indigestion, tóu m̄-siau; chia̍h bõi-siau. digestive tonic, póu-pî.

dignity, ui-hong; ui-hong lím-lím.

dike, toi; toi-ngãi. to make a, tsho-toi.

dilapidated, tó; thap-khang hùi-tũi; huang-hāi; phùa-phùa.

dilate, pùa-iâng; tièⁿ-khui; chiãm-khùaⁿ.

dilatory, tũaⁿ; mān; în-tîⁿ; kau-tîⁿ-lâi kau-tîⁿ-khṳ̍; thû-mān.

diligent, ēng-kang; khṳ̂n-kang; khṳ̂n; tsuan-kang; la̍t-kang; tshut-la̍t.

dill, sié-hûe; hûe-hieⁿ. water, hûe-hieⁿ-tsúi.

dilute, thàu-po̍h; thàu-tsúi; tshong-tsúi; tshong-po̍h.

dim, àm; sit-kng m̄-hīn; bū-bū. dim-sighted, ma̍k-chiu hue; ma̍k hue; ma̍k bū. grow dim, as picture, hùe--khṳ̍. dimly seen, ṳ́n-ṳ́n iak-iak.

diminish, kiám; tṳ̂-kiám; khà-kiám; kiám-chié. the population, as epidemic, kiám-nâng-kháu.