Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/436

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428 PROCEEDINGS IN THE July the goodes and Catalles in the seid bille sunnysed, or in the Cedule to the same annexed, other than snche that then ther was spended, the which they truly contented and paid fore : and without that they commaunded the seid James to avoide his possession, otherwise then is before reherced, or that they or any of theym had any such wordez that yi they myght mete the seid sir William Stoner it shoidd cost hym his lyfe : and without that the seid Thomas Dormer and John Welles do manasse or threte the seid James Markes in maner and fourme as in the seid bille also is surmytted. Alle whiche matiers they be redy to prove as this Court woU awarde, and prayen to be dismyssed out therof with their reasounable costes and damages for their wrongefuU vexacion in this behalue. In dorso : Examinatus per Rophe . . . et Sapcotes, Thomas Dormer, iuratus, afl&rmat istud Responsum suum fore verum quatenus personam suam concernit : quoad numerum personarum presentium infra- specificatarum, &c., fatetur quod estimacione sua fuerunt cum Domino Roberto Cheyney homines ad numerum, vt credit, xxx personarum : et fatetur quod idem dominus Robertus Cheyney, miles, illuc venit ad requisicionem istius examinati ad hunc finem quod defenderet et continuaret possessionem suam infrascriptam. Johannes Welles, iuratus, afl&rmat istud responsum suum fore verum quatenus concernit personam suam. Et fatetur quod Robertus Cheyney, miles, illuc comitatus xxx personis et ulterius habentibus gladios et scuta, arcus et sagittas. Et quod idem miles sic comitatus illuc venit ad commimicandum amicabiliter cum lacobo Markes de et super possessione infrascripta. Thes been the proves of Syr William Stonor, knyght ayeinst Thomas Dormer vpon the title of the Maner of Nusshelyng and the lands within the Countie of Hampshire. First to prove whether that a Relesse made by Peter Marmyon vnto Thomas Hargrave of the Manoir of Nusshelyng and the landes within the Countie of Hampshire was made by duresse of imprisonment and with manasse of the saide Thomas Hargrave or not. And whether this Peter Marmyon was seased of the said Manoir the tyme of a Recouery had ayeinst him of the said Manoir by the said [William Stonor, Knyght] * and William Berkeley, Squyer. Item, to prove the said first Article that the said Relesse was made by duresse for reson [he was a prisoner] John Erck, husbandman of Nusshe- lyng of thage of xlvj yeres and more saith and deposeth vpon a boke that he was at Nusshelyng aforsaid the Sonday ^ seven nyght next after Tewkesbury Feld in the xj yere of Kyng Edward the iiij*>, and ther he saw the said Thomas Hargrave that was late come from the Feld called Tewkesbury, as he said. And then and ther the said Thomas Hargrave required the said John Erck and diuerse other of his neighbours that were ' The restoration of the first two words is of course certain ; the third is probably 'knyght'. » 8C. 12 May 1471. The battle was on 4 May.