Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/512

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604 ENGLISH GALLEYS IN THE October the same may be dischardged oute of hande, considering thei arr of great chardge to the Kinges Majestic and serve in dede to lytle purpose.^ This was followed by a warrant on 14 February ^ for the money necessary to pay the galleys off, together with a sum of £55 to be divided equally among the forsares or rowers, while the covering of cloth of gold belonging to the * captaines cabane or powpe of the Gallie ' was, by royal command, to be presented to the lord admiral.^ But the galleys were not yet to meet their final doom, for when, in August 1552, it was reported to the lord protector that * The two Galleys and Brigantine must be yearly repaired, if your Lordship's pleasure be to have them kept ', there is written below, in another hand, the order : ' To be repaired and kept.' * The government evidently knew that they were expensive, but had not yet made up its mind that they were useless. During Mary's reign, however, they do not appear to have been employed to any great extent, for they are not mentioned once among the lists of ships victualled given in the Pipe Office Declared Accounts. ^ Therefore it is not surprising to find that, when a general inquiry was made into the state of the navy in March 1559, the two galleys were put amongst the ships that were reported to be very much worn and Uttle good without great repairs, and they were therefore recommended to be sold or otherwise disposed of.^ That this advice was not immediately taken seems probable from a list of the queen's ships given in the Pipe Office Declared Accounts,' where mention is made of the ' Gallye Subtille, Gallye Marmade, Gallye Tryright, Gallye Spedewell '. This is the last mention we have of the Galley Subtile or Red Galley ; ® the list of January 1562 gives only the Mermaid, the Tryright, and the Speedwell,^ and the Mermaid or Black Galley may be the same as the Eleanor which is first mentioned in the navy lists of 1566 and 1570,^° in each of which three galleys are named, the Speedwell, the Tryright, and the Eleanor, while Harrison in his Description

  • Acts of the Privy Council, iii. 209.
  • Ibid. iii. 213, repeated on^O March {ibid. iii. 246).

» Ibid. iii. 257, 13 April 1651.

  • Printed in Derrick, pp. 16-17.
  • Pipe Office Declared Accounts 2356, 2357 (29 September 1552 to 31 December


  • State Papers, Dom., Eliz., iii. 44, 24 March 1559.

' Pipe Office Declared Accounts 2358 (1 January 1559 to 1 January 1561).

  • Sir J. Corbett's identification of the Galley Subtile with either the Tryright or

the Speedwell & obviously impossible.

  • Uiat. MSS. Comm., Hatfield MSS., i, no. 846, quoted by Oppenheim, ante,

vi. 481. In this list the Speedwell and the Tryright are said to have been built in 1560 and the Mermaid under Henry VIIL " That of 1565 is printed in Derrick, p. 23; the other is in State Papers, Dom., Eliz., Ixxi. 70, 30 July 1570.