Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/535

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1920 STATE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTUBY 527 The homage fees for a Bishop are as follows To the secretary of state £4 18 6 To the under secretary 10 To the clerk 5 To the chamber keeper 2 6 £6 6 Memorandum. An Archbishop pays double fees for each instrument, a Bishop the common fees. Consuls' Commissions that do not pass the Great Seal pay double fees. Two or more persons in a beneficial warrant or other instrument signed by his Majesty the first pays the whole fees and every other name pays clerks' fees. Remainders in any grant pay clerk fees over and above the full fees for the grant. Lieutenants oi horse pay to the secretary of state under secretaries clerk chamber keepers Cornets and staff officers pay as follows : To the secretary of state under secretaries clerk chamber keeperi. Lieutenants of foot pay (foot majors ditto) To the secretary of state under secretaries clerk chamber keepers Ensigns and staff officers of foot pay To the secretary of state under secretaries clerk chamber keepers Officers of invalids pay but half fees to the secretary of state and full fees to the under secretary, clerk and office keepers. Bills from the Treasury for impresting money to the Treasurer of the Navy, Treasurer of the Ordnance and Pay, Master of the Works and Newgate and Circuit pardons pay clerks' fees only £1 7 6. Everything the Secretary of State £4 3 4 16 8 5

2 6 5 7 6 £2 10



2 6 3 7 6 £3 6 8 13 4 5

2 6 4 7 6 £1 13 4 6 8 5

2 6 2 7 6